What can I do when hitting a plateau?
i am 2 1/2 months post op.rny proximal. i have lost 39 lbs. i lost 2 to 3 lbs every week. last week i started excerising with CURVES FOR WOMEN. it mixes aerobics and weight resistance for 30 minutes on a circuit. my panic is now i didn't loose weight this week. i understand muscle weighs more than fat, but i don't want to stop here. should i wait till i am closer to my goal weight? — ann R. (posted on September 11, 2000)
September 10, 2000
Hi Ann: ride out the plateau with exercise! You will burn fat instead of
compromising muscle tissue and it will get you closer to your goal faster
and healthier. Read everything on this site about plateaus...they do end
when you follow the program. There are a lot of great suggestions about
upping your protien and water intake. There are also some very wise words
about how your body needs to readjust from time to time. And read the
profiles from the people who posted about plateaus - they've all gone on to
lose weight! But if you are on an exercise program now, keep it up. You
will feel so much better! Good Luck.
— Allie B.
September 10, 2000
Allie's right. Your plateau will pass! I am curious about your work out.
Was it a tape you bought or is this a gym program? It sounds interesting.
— Paula G.
September 11, 2000
You are doing great. Plateaus are a normal part of weight loss. I'm 5+
months postop and have had a number of plateaus - some lasting over 3
weeks. I've lost 63 pounds and have gone from size 28 to size 20 so far!
Keep up the exercise and you'll do great.
— Cindy H.
September 11, 2000
You mean the SCALE didn't report your progress. That's all. The progress
is there. Your thighs are a little looser, your waist is a hair smaller...
It's all happening, but OH SO SLOWLY. If you're already at 60g of protein
supplement (with water, not milk) try 90g a day for 2 weeks and add a glass
of water over 'n above your 64 oz. And check against the checklist: no
milk, no sugar, no grazing, no drinking with meals... That's the part you
an control easily. The rest is just waiting.
— vitalady
September 11, 2000
It could be a number of things. You could be retaining water or it could be
muscle. YOu are doing GREAT so just relax and enjoy. Plateaus pass.
Sometimes the body just needs to rest
— snicklefritz
September 11, 2000
Hi, I got a great suggestion from someone here to take my measurements. At
times of plateaus I can go back and measure and see the positive results
that way. I did not know it but the scales are only one way of chating
loss. We lose inches even when we are not losing pounds. I only measured a
few parts like arms waist and lower abdomen, bust and neck. I do not have
scales at home. Doc said my weight is his concern, mine is sticking to his
orders. I will sneak a weigh in someplace else every once in a while but I
just know I am not gaining( unless of course I am having my period), then
its Water. Good Luck, Trina
— Courtrina Amur W.
September 11, 2000
DON'T stop exercising just because the scale isn't moving...that would be
counterproductive. Exercise is important for many reasons. It helps
stabilize your blood sugar, helps burn calories and most importantly it
helps build muscle (in combination with protein) so your body won't break
down muscle for fuel. The post-op notebook that I was given by BTC said
that people that exercise reach their goal sooner than people who don't. I
know that a plateau is extremely frustrating. You work so hard but the
scale doesn't seem to move. Just remember that the number on the scale is
not the whole picture. I just came off what I would basically call a
plateau where I only lost 12 lbs in two months (it started when I was 3
months postop). But, I've increased my walking and started lifting weights
and after a few weeks my weight loss has picked up again. If you can't keep
from weighing yourself (which will only make up upset and frustrated during
a plateau) then try taking your scale to someone else's house and only
weigh occasionally. Good luck to you.
— Kellie L.
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