Is there anything I can do before surgery to help myself after?

I have been told by my PCP that I have been referred for surgery. I was wondering if there is anything I can do personally to help myself after surgery. I don't have a lot of money, so could I be shopping for things I will need like vitamins, liquid diet drinks, water etc. what ever, I have no idea what I'll need. Any suggestions would be appreciated.    — Teresa O. (posted on April 6, 2000)

April 6, 2000
If you are not a big water drinker now, I would recommend trying out a few of the bottled waters. They sometimes make a difference between drinking water and not drinking water. Remember water will be VERY important after your surgery. Best of luck!!!
   — [Anonymous]

April 6, 2000
Some surgeons believe that the wls patient should lose about 10 lbs prior to surgery - I know very little about the reasoning other than posts that I've seen about this reducing or shrinking the size of the liver making surgery easier. I was asked to begin a low fat diet, reduce portion size and eat 3 meals and 2 snacks prior to surgery. I took Meridia and this helped. I still treated myself to bar-b-que ribs and cheesecake before my surgery. The rest of this post is just my 'good idea' and opinion. I made sure that I ate healthy, took vitamins, attempted to walk often, etc - anything to keep up my general health and build strength - I didnt want my surgery postponed because of the sniffles. I also toyed with hand held weights to build up my arm strength - this really helped when I was getting up/laying down as the abdominals were of no help after surgery. I really had to use my arms to pull myself up - and I like to think this helped. I'm sure soupcans would work just as well. I also did lots of deep breathing and meditation. Actually, its just a great stress relief exercise - close our eyes, take deep breaths, concentrate on your breathing, let your thoughts float by. Maybe say a phrase as "one" to focus your thoughts. This really helped keep the stress down - and I used this technique when they were starting my epidural, inserting an IV, or doing any procedure that I thought was uncomfortable. Instead of resisting and tensing my body, I was relaxing and focusing. Please email me if I can help in any way. I'm sure your doc will give you any pre-op instructions, but these things helped me.
   — Toni B.

April 6, 2000
I forgot - I did not BUY ANYTHING - I'm really glad I fought the impusle because I would have bought a bunch of protein powder, protein bars, vitamins and a bunch of other stuff I still haven't touched 1 month post op. I only bought what my doc told me specifically to get. A few days before my surgery I was given a shopping list (milk, yogurt with aspartame, sugar free popsicles, non-fat powerdered milk, diet swiss miss, sugar free jello, lean fish, lowfat or fat free cheese, cottage cheese etc. etc.) your doc will tell you what to get in order to follow his post op instructions. Alot of people take Flinstones chewable vitamins - me too. I'd hate to see you buy them if your doc wants you to take something else. I think everyone universally will agree that you need to buy CHAPSTICK! Your lips will feel really dry and uncomfortable after surgery.
   — Toni B.

April 6, 2000
Hi, I don't mean to be gross, but I wish someone had told me this before I had my surgery. Be sure and take feminine products with you to the hospital. I found out and the nurses confirmed it, that it is very very common to start your period after having major abdominal surgery. I don't know why. Even if it is not due for 2 weeks. So please be prepared if that might affect you. Good Luck. Hot liquids went down better for after I was home from surgery.
   — Cheryl H.

April 6, 2000
Cheryl, I've wondered about that too. I was one of the lucky few who <b>didn't</b> start my period after surgery, but from what I understand, it's very common. I wonder if it's nature's way of "aborting" a potential early pregnancy because of the trauma to the body...? (This is, by the way, pure speculation - I have never heard anything to this effect.)
   — Kim H.

April 6, 2000
Teresa, I know exactly what you're thinking about. My surgery is May 10th, and I have been making lists for myself for the past month. Not only do I find it helpful in order to remember everything, but I have also found it to be therapeutic since it gives me something to focus on. I have been pretty obsessed (but in a very positive way) about preparing for the surgery and the immediate post op period. But I will also say that I am a detailed list oriented person anyway. So if you want me to e-mail my "prep" list to you (or anyone else), I will. I just didn't want to post it for people who really didn't need or want to see it all. E-mail me if you're interested! :)
   — Paula G.

April 6, 2000
Donna, I think men would argue that they get shaving and the draft, which should balance it out... but obviously we know better. :-)
   — Kim H.

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