Can I lose any more weight after 4 years???

This is a question for long termers. I had my rny four years ago and while I lost a lot of weight, I don't believe I maximized by weight loss. I lost 100lbs. and was happy with that and over the years returned to my old eating habits. I only gained 12 pounds back because my pouch keeps me from over eating. You know...3 oreo cookies rather than the bag I ate in my pre-surg days. Now, I would really like to lose an additional 35-40lbs. just to get myself to 185 and a size 14 dress. Is it too late for me? Has anyone started to lose after such a long time? I'm considering going back to my liquid protein drink for a month. Originally I lost 35lbs. in the first month after my surgery when I only had the liquid protein as nourishment. I certainly would appreciate any thoughts/ideas/advice.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 14, 2001)

August 14, 2001
What kind of eating plan are you on? If you reduce caloric intake and increase exercise you should be able to get more weight off. I would suggest High Protein Low Carbs.
   — [Anonymous]

August 14, 2001
There is a great article that you may find encouraging. The Web address for it is There is an example of a woman who had WLS 16 years ago and had regained all the weight. By following the plan presented in the article, she successfully lost all the weight again without any surgical revisions. I hope this helps!
   — blank first name B.

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