I need some post surgery help.

I am 10 months post surgery. I have a lot of questions. I have lost 180 lbs and I had no post or pre-surgical complications. I was told though that I would not be able to tolerate sugar and high fat foods. Well I'm able to eat anything I could before, I'm just more lactose intolerant that's all. I weighed 522lbs so I still have a lot to lose but it seems as if I am able to eat more than I should. Is this normal? My weight loss has slowed to about 10-15 lbs per month is this normal? I joined weight watchers because there were no other support groups in the area and it has helped me tremendously. I recommend them to anyone. I have learned so much about behavior modification and healthy eating that I believe I will one day lose all the weight. It's just I hate being able to eat anything, because I am struggling with my diet. I need some support, some assistance, some information as to what I can or should expect in the future. I am lost, I need some feedback. I am exercising now and I watch my diet pretty well I am proud of that. It's just I am afraid I am starting to fall back into my old way of eating and I am afraid I am able to eat too much. Help!    — L. N. (posted on April 17, 2000)

April 17, 2000
It is normal to have a slowing of the weight loss. Of couse.. or you would melt to nothing (and we don't want that!)... It is good advice to keep your house safe for your self (from the foods you know are your downfall). Surgery is only a tool. I urge you to ask your insurance co. how many visits a year to a nutritionist they will allow and seek out one immediately to aid you further. Also, does your surgeon's office have any nutritional support at this stage? Might check there, as well! Best of luck!
   — lisadiehl

April 17, 2000
I think 10-15 lbs./month is fantastic. You should just expect to keep up that. Does your new stomach seem to be aiding you at all? Do not think you are falling back into your old ways- you are a new person now and you've accomplished a lot. Keep up with your support group:)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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