Anybody dump on whole wheat products?

I had an egg white and one piece of turkey bacon on half a slice of wheat toast-and a few minutes later I felt so drugged and sleepy that I had to lay down and take a nap my mouth was instantly dry and I felt dehydrated in between waking up from my nap-so again I am attempting whole wheat pasta in my hamburger helper and I took a few bites of that and felt a little headachy, but I've made HH with the white noodles before and no problem what so ever-I don't get it-I'm almost 3 months post-op and down 52lbs-???Some advice..Thanks Tori and I'm adding the whole wheat products for the fiber    — TotallyTori (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
There really shouldn't be any difference between the white vs wheat noodles, breads far as dumping is concerned. Could just be that old standard, what works one day often doens't the next or vice-versa. Very common even month post-op.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 24, 2003
I agree with Ruth, you can dump on something one day and it not bother you the next day. You could have been reacting to the turkey bacon, or even the egg. What you described there sounded like dumping, but after the HH, feeling a little headachy, probably wasn't. And really read the ingredients list to see if it really is whole wheat. The first ingredient should say 'stone ground whole wheat flour'. There are so many claims to whole wheat it is ridiculous. Some bread companys claim whole wheat, but all they do is add a product similar to saw dust (fiber claim) and add caramel color to give the appearance of wheat. After researching this very subject, I started grinding my own wheat kernels into flour and baking my own bread. The health benefits are incredible. And I have no problems with the whole wheat. In fact, it keeps me regular and feeling great. I depend on my daily bread!
   — Cheri M.

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