I am ALWAYS hungry. Is anyone else hungry all the time?

I basically had this surgery because I couldn't lose weight because I was always hungery. Now, I still feel hungry. I remember waking from the surgery and my first thought was, "Gawd, I am starving." I drink plenty of water. I question myself about the heasd hunger and no my stomach is really growling-loudly sometimes. Any suggestions? Surgery was 2-12-03 down 51#. Thank you.    — susan P. (posted on April 24, 2003)

April 24, 2003
I am 7mo. post-op and my hunger is still very active. I have days when I barely eat and other days I seem to munch all day! Now I just try to focus on other things or I just keep sipping on liquids. This is still hard for me, I LOVED food and I really don't miss the junk, but im wanting everything that I can have(it is alot better). I guess im still trying to retrain my brain lol Good luck and congrats!
   — Sandy M.

April 24, 2003
Are you eating enough? You've lost a lot of weight pretty quickly. Maybe you could eat more, still have a good rate of weight loss, and not be so hungry. But I'm just one week post-op, so what do I know?!
   — sjwilde

April 24, 2003
Susan - I did a search on hunger in the library earlier today because I'm having the same issue at 6 weeks PO, and it's not head hunger - it's physical hunger within one hour of eating. Some of the things I garnered from my search were:<p>1. what % of carbs are you eating? The more carbs, the quicker/greater the hunger.</p><p>2. Protein first</p><p>3. Don't drink for 45 minutes after eating.</p><p>4. Eat 5 or 6 small meals, with protein in each meal.</p><p>6. Are you drinking enough water? Thirst can mimic hunger. We should be drinking a minimun of 64 oz., and more is better.</p><p>7. Could it be head hunger? Are you craving something in particular or is it just the physical hungry feeling?</p><p>For myself, I'm already following these rules to the T and am still having hunger issues within an hour of eating. My caloric intake is around 800 cals a day, protein in every meal, and I'm eating it all 95% of the time. I've lost aprox 30 lbs in 6 weeks, so I know I'm doing something right, but it's scarey and frustrating and maddening to have the hunger, just like I did pre-op. I spoke with my therapist about this issue yesterday and she asked me if I was feeling like a failure and the good news is that I'm not. I'm feeling like the surgery is failing me, in this regard. I guess this is where the "it's a tool" comes into play, huh? There always seems to be head work to do around my weight and I don't like it. Sheesh! Many blessings to you and I wish you a lessening in your hunger. Please email if you want to chat about this issue. I could use some support around this issue, that's for sure. Toodles, Robin
   — rebalspirit

April 24, 2003
one thing i want to say is you go and you are doing good. with hunger we as being larger people teach are bodies at one point in time that we want more more more and dont take this wrong im not saying we a veng eater are we just eat out of control thats why we are fat no what im saying is those noise are your bodies way of saying it feels different and you need not feed that earge. with the surgery come changing eating habbites your body is use to one thing now you are telling it something totally different eat less eat less eat less. and your tell it to eat stored fat the noise is your body going into stored fat in case people did not know when your stomach makes noise thats what it is doing research shows that when are stomach grawls are makes a noise we associate it with hunger and that is not always the case. so you just need to re learn your body your going thru changes ever day wonderful changes but you are the boss so keep control. good luck and again you are doing great hugs hugs hugs i know i have been down the path and have to go down it again so i did do alot of reading up this time and now im ready for alot dont worry you are fine life is fine why because beatiful people like you are in it..............
   — Angela A.

April 25, 2003
This is just MY opinion but I truly believe that feeling hunger is natural for many of us. Not easy, but natural. Look at what our bodies are going thru! Look at the incredible decrease in caloric intake! No wonder we are feeling hunger. I believe for many of us, that our bodies are so extremely "efficient" (would've been in times of famine anyway) that it's difficult for it to "let go" and deal with the new eating plan. I also think it's very important to eat "enough" calories. I think so many of us do not realize that we are not eating enough. Several women in my local support group have been told that they need to increase their calories in order to con't to lose---to (imagine this!) 1200 per day! Another important thing is to eat breakfast. This has been so hard for me. I have not been a breakfast eater for many, many years. I don't feel like eating when I 1st get up or for many hours afterwards. Still, we need to push ourselves, even if it's just a protein shake. My hope is that eventually, my body will ease up and relax. Good luck to you!
   — Lisa I.

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