Can Vitamin E be put in food and Can I take No Doz?

1. Can you pop a vit E and get the oil out and mix w/ applesauce or something? will we absorb it? or is it better to take the dry formula? 2. I will be taking a trip i have to help drive. Can I take No-Doz? it's almost all caffien. Does caffien make our stomach bleed like IBpro.? I don't drink coffee, and of course coke is out of the queston!    — Cindee A. (posted on December 25, 2001)

December 25, 2001
Caffeine dehydates you badly, and is a irritant to your new tummy and could cause bleeding. I wouldnt touch it, espically since you are a new post op. Drive what you can safely and let others pick up the slack, your still recovring after major surgery.
   — bob-haller

December 25, 2001
Vitamin E can only be absorbed in Dry Form. Our body eliminates most oils.
   — [Anonymous]

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