Lightheaded - falling asleep instantly? VERY CONCERNED

I had RNY August 2009, was doing great until December, then had a bad adhesion and the small intestines at the pouch attachment had grown & was recut. This started 3 months of complications (severe pain in remnant stomach, pain when eating by mouth, nausea). As of April 2nd I am back to eating, but am nausea ALL the time. Yesterday, I was at Ruby Tuesday and ate 1/2 cup of spinach leaves, egg, cheese and a little bit of Blue CHeese dressing. (I have eaten this before.) and all of a sudden I felt light headed and my eyes were very heavy. Then without warning I fell asleep until the food came. When the waitress came she startled me. I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom, had a bit of diarrehea (this is normal at this point), and apparently fell asleep again for like 15 minutes. When I came out of the bathroom I was absolutely fine. I was wide awake and felt FINE! I originally thought it was a bout of dumping syndrome, but I had NO sugar. I have an appt. with my surgeon on Wednesday, but I wanted to know if anyone else as been in this situation, My surgeon has been fanastic through all of my complication and I hate to go with another problem!    — Amy Smith (posted on April 12, 2010)

April 12, 2010
You need to see your PCP as soon as you can and get labs drawn. As a paramedic, I can tell you that this is NOT normal. It can be anything, and i won't even speculate. Please see your surgeon or pcp.
   — Trauma Queen

April 12, 2010
Hi, I totaly agree..why are you waiting to see your DR? Have you at least called the DR? Wish you well.
   — tootsie52

April 12, 2010
I know that there was nothing off in my bloodwork as of 2 weeks ago as I was having blood work done weekly since January. I am taking a fair amount of meds and I did discover that one of the side effects of the Zyvox is fainting. I don't think this was really a fainting thing though. I can't get to my dr. before Wednesday. I have had no other problems, except I am really nauseous and i have had some stomach and pouch pain after eating some strawberries today.
   — Amy Smith

April 13, 2010
Could be a reaction to meds. Even though you have been on them a while the reaction can change quickly. It is good you are following up on this.
   — trible

April 13, 2010
Hi, I get like that a lot when I eat out, I have Iron, b12 and D problems. I can't even have the light in my eyes when it happens and my vision stays blurred for hours. My doctor thinks it's from hidden sugar and Preservatives in the food. I know it as soon as the sever tired feeling comes on and I feel almost drunk. I don't eat out anymore unless it's some occasion and I eat very plain to avoid getting embarrassed. I even ended up back on blood pressure pill because it was causing my pressure to rise. Go to your doctor they don't always check for D and extended iron panels. They are there to help, they also learn from us... Anna

April 13, 2010
Sweetie, This was probably dumping...But not the sugar kind, the FAT kind...That salad you ate is LOADED with fat! That would have made me dump and I am 6 years out! When i eat too much fat, I fall asleep too. I aslo fall asleep if I over eat. You need to find a vinegarette that you like and lay off the blue cheese! Between the fat in an egg, the cheese and the blue cheese...I can almost bet you had a classic fat dumping episode...Oh and btw, there is 125 calories in 1 oz of RT's bluecheese at 13 grams of fat...YIPES!!!
   — .Anita R.

April 13, 2010
Thanks all for your input. I have never had a problem with fat before, but I did recently have some surgery so maybe I am more sensative then before. Unfortunately, I had another situation today. (Although it was around the same of day, I was not in the process of eating anything, just drinking flavored water.) It was very similar, but only last about 5 minutes. I hope this is something very simple maybe related to the meds or what ever. I was just at the Dietician and things are going well, except that I am truly like a new post-op as far as figuring out what works and what doesn't. I know I am not getting in a lot of liquids so I am tryin to push those.
   — Amy Smith

April 14, 2010
FYI - I talked to my surgeon today and I am now going to see a cardiologist. I have always had low blood pressure and flushing, but I am flushing much more often. My surgeon is fairly certain that it is syncope and will continue until I lose all my weight, then plastic surgery will be necessary so that the blood vessels do not have all of the "extra room" to flush.
   — Amy Smith

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