Getting in liquids and protein during Stage 3

I am having difficulty getting in my liquids and proteins. According to the information my nutritionist gave me, I am suppose to be getting in 60g of protein and 48-64 oz of liquid. Also, according to the information, I am suppose to be eating or drinking every hour. I am trying really hard but I find it difficult because I get full. I'm concerned that not getting in these amounts is going to cause me to be dehydrated and lacking protein. I get pretty close. I have also been using the spirometer like I should and I noticed yesterday and today that I am coughing more. I need advice, please help!!!!    — cxperr01 (posted on April 28, 2009)

April 28, 2009
Just do the absolute best you can to get in as much as they tell you to. I was a couple of months out before I could get nearly that much protein. I just hated those shakes. By three months out, it'll be much easier. I just finished my fourth month and I am eating pretty much whatever I want, but in small portions. The only shake I can stand right now mixing 8 oz. milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (walmart), a single of crystal light orange, and 3-4 cubes of ice. It makes a prety decent shake and gives you nearly half your protein for the day. Just do the best you can and hang in there. It gets easier. Just don't let yourself get dehydrated. Also, you might be getting a cold. Because by stage 3, I had quit using my spirometer. But you do what they tell you there. Good luck!
   — PaulaJ

April 29, 2009
EVERYONE gets the same exact diet recommendation no matter your size, goal, height, age, sex...It's almost laughable that we are all given a standard one-diet-fits-all. (It is actually based on a 150 lb woman) With that said...It's only a recommendation...Drink til your urine is clear...You are supposed to work your way towards 60 g of protein and get in as much as you can til you do...If you are are FINE! I could not get but 30 g of protein the first month...and now at 5 years I eat 100 gs or more daily...You'll get there...
   — .Anita R.

May 1, 2009
The other suggestion I can give you is get up and walk frequently. It helps with digestion and relieves the discomfort. It does get easier. By 3 months I felt much better and could eat more. Hang in there.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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