I am almost 8 months post op and have not lost as much as I should have at this point

I had gastric bypass may 19, 2008. I lost a total of 60 pounds up to this point and have stayed at this weight for a few months now. In the meantime I my dad died and I have had a lot of upheaval in my life. Thankfully I have not gained but am so discouraged and need to know how to get back on track. I am so ready to conquer my weight problem and would like to think of this time as a blip, not the end of the road. Have not been back to see my surgeon in months because I am too embarresed that I have not lost more. Help!!! Please, no overt criticism. I know I could be doing better and that is what I am hoping to find help with. Thank you all in advance.    — collinsmom (posted on January 14, 2009)

January 14, 2009
I am going to uess you ae eating carbs due to stress. Wow you hve been through a lot. So first step is to go off carbs and caffiene which stimilate cravings. You will feel crappy for a week as you go through withdrawles. Lots of protien some vegatables After the first week you can add back the fruit. Keep this up and avaid carbs as much as you can and the weight will come off. Good luck. Don't avoid you surgeon He can help with this type of problem. Once you are back on track you will feel better.
   — trible

January 14, 2009
I agree with Liz but I would also suggest that you talk to your Dr about the 5 day pouch test. It could help you get throught carb craving and kick start the new process.
   — phyllismmay

January 14, 2009
Check with your doctor before you do anything. Make sure you are ready to start again. You have my condolences on your father's death. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired, RN
   — vinnigirl

January 14, 2009
Diane, I suggest that you put your pride aside and go directly to your surgeon as soon as possible. He is the best person that can help you to get back on track. I'm sure that you are not the first (or the last) patient that he has seen in this position. He will be able to tell you what is going on and make sure to be COMPLETELY honest with him. That is the only way to go. If you are not truthful with him, he will not be able to give you the right advice and guidance. Good luck to you.
   — anitak

January 14, 2009
Hi Diane, thank you for wwriting. Grief is a horrible thing, and life just happens doesn't it? I have had 7 deaths in my family this past year, and 2 of them were my brother and sister. Sometimes I just don't want to get out of bed. My son was robbed on his job saturday at gunpoint, I could be at a funeral for my son this week. It is a hard blow to go through these things, but you are right to fight for your health. I made a book mark that helps me remember things everyday that when I get down, will get me through. Sometimes I have to be tough with myself, and other times, I just need to cut myself a little slack. I never need to over feed myself though, and exercise is a mood stabilizer that really works. You have to make the choice, and believe me, there is no criticizm from me if you choose to not diet and exercise. Life is just too hard sometimes. But I also can't offer pity. I don't pity myself and I know you are NOT in any way asking for it. What I AM saying, is that you can do it. it is tough, and sometimes life just sucks, but girl, you can get up and do this thing. You are not alone. If you want a copy of my bookmark, just send me your email and I'll send it to you. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 14, 2009
So srry for your loss Diane. Losing a parent is very hard!. I am just a month behind you and have lost about 85 lbs, so you are not that far off track. Of course it depends on how much you had to lose etc, but don't beat yourself up too badly. We all have/had emotional issues that brought us to our pre-op weights. Do try to manage them for future crisis's. If I were you, I'd call the nutritionist and tell her you are a bit off track and need help getting back on.These people are there to help and not critize you. They have NOT walked in your moccacins! They cannot know what you have been thru. They should be professional and help. If they aren't ...find a good support group. They always help. Someone is always there to help you thru a tough time. Many have expereinced the same things. I surely hope you get back on track. Start slow and be determined! I know you'll be fine. You've done so well so far. And if I may say without offending anyone...the power of prayer is a power matched by no other. Seek help in God. He will NEVER leave you. Hugs to you and good luck! Kim
   — gpcmist

January 15, 2009
Hugs! Stress can be so hard on anyone! Good or bad stress is still stress!! The surgery itself was stress and then all on top of that! You can't beat yourself up...But you can pick yourself up...You've already got the you need to gain the courage to go see your doc...Tell him what you've been thru and ask for labs to make sure your vits and blood are all in good order...See what suggestions he has... Then sweetie, you just go back to basics and move your body and you'll be back on tack in no time! You still have several really good months of honeymoon time! LOL And you really didn't do all that bad! You can do this...You can start simple...go thru your fridge and pantry and get rid of the junk! No temptation, no troubles! ...Make a list of what you can eat for meals...Then buy the ingredients...Planned meals leave no room for quick bad decisions/choices. Stock stuff to satisfy cravings...salty and crunchy-pickles, cuccumbers...Sweet-fruits...I wrap lunchmeat around a mozz cheese stick or a pickle or both for a quick pick me up snack or even lunch...Stay away from the packaged foods...stick to natural foods the best you can...Weigh/measure your servings and take time for yourself daily...Whether you just soak in the a book...or do nothing at all! When you need help...don't be afraid to ask... You are not a hopeless case! I promise you can do this! You have the tool and the will... Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

January 15, 2009
It's a blip. You've lost 60 pounds. Awesome! Waaaaay better than the 60 you might have gained had you not had the surgery and gone through this ordeal. Even if your surgeon tells you things you already know you should do, I think it helps to go in, talk about things, and get a fresh start. Congrats on your weightloss so far! Wow!
   — wenniewo

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