READY FOR THE NEXT STEP--2 Years out and 130lb gone!!!

I am looking for a reasonably priced plastic surgeon in the western PA or north eastern OH areas (Pittsburgh & northwest). I want to have a brachioplasty (arm lift) done in the worst kind of way and I've wanted one for years. Ive seen 3 plastic surgeons and either they're prices are ridiculous or they give me a bad "gut" feeling. Anyone have recommendations? Also, Ive stopped losing weight and have more i want to get off, how can i jump start my weight loss process? ALSO, how do i get into the habit of saying "shut up!!" to the head hunger and start to make myself exercise?? I find myself eating throughout the day due to boredom and cravings = NOT GOOD! And i blame me not exercising on friends and family not doing it with me... This is my life and i know that i need to eat for me and exercise for me and i need to motivate myself!!! Help! OLD HABITS DIE HARD!!    — LauraMarie (posted on July 28, 2010)

July 28, 2010
hi n congrats...drink for head hunger...and just get up and walk ...i walk alone a lot ..givesd me time to think and it feels good to be moving. I have gone down a pants size without changing my weight due to walking and firming up. U have to be the one in charge. You know they saying..Just do it!! lol good luck on finding a surgeon who isn't ridic . i want the body ift around my belly. lol hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

July 28, 2010
Good for you, Laura! You are way ahead of the game because you have defined the issues and their causes. I still struggle with that. A friend of mine here at work had RNY and then had her arms "lifted". I know she went to a surgeon in the Cleveland area and probably paid for it herself. Unfortunately, she's on vacation this week. I can ask her next week and get back to you. Her surgery went well but she did have pain for quite awhile afterward.
   — Muggs

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