sick on purpose

I have RNY in August of 2008 and have since reached my goal weight. I have always been very "religous" about what I allow my self to eat but I have been under a tremondous amount of stress in the last month or so and I have noticed that I am falling back into the habit of using food to relieve stress. I find my self eating even though I know that I will feel like crap in a little while. Then I justify what I am eating with thoughts like "it won't matter becuase I will be sick soon anyway" or I will eat until I feel better and then just make myself sick. Am I going crazy or is this part of the normal battle that we all face    — phyllismmay (posted on April 23, 2010)

April 23, 2010
Phyllis, in my opinion this is NOT part of the normal battle. It sounds to me as if you are setting yourself up for an eating disorder (bulimia) if you continue the way you are. My best suggestion to you would be to get some counseling ASAP to learn stress reducing techniques that do not involve self-harm. As one who transferred addictions to alcohol I know about trying to handle stress the wrong ways. It is wonderful that ou recognize that you are developing a coping issue involving food. Awareness is the first step but then it needs to be followed by action and help. Please check in with your NUT if you have one, or your surgeon's office, or a local WLS support group or even Overeaters anonymous or private counseling. Get help somewhere! Good luck!
   — Kellye C.

April 23, 2010
hi phyllis.... i understand what you are saying because i too have the same battle now! i was never sick before my op....and since i have hit my goal and i am unable to control comfort eating...i too make myself vomit....simply because i am afraid to put the weight back on! this happens 2 - 3 times a week sadly... i am on the waiting list to see a psycholigist at the local eating disorder unit (uk) hope you find a way of overcoming this issue... hugs, anoushka i am fully aware that
   — anoushka

April 23, 2010
Hi! I have been at goal for about 12 months and been doing well....recently i have been going thru something ...emotional..peri menopause, mid life crisis..something..and I found that I cannot eat. Ihave started losing weight again and am not sure how to handle it...however, each day is getting better. I talk to people and try to figure out what my problem is..if I know the reaso s for my ...then i can learn to deal with the issues and move on. I think if you are stressing..try to get whatever the stressor is, under control...Not the sometimes we cant control the situation, but rather how you deal with it. Does this make sense? How you deal is whats making you eat wrong. When you go to eat wrongly, try to stop and think. Do you really need what you are going to eat? How will it affect you..etc. It isn't an easy process, but as you practice becomes routine. You took the first step by posting on here. Thats a good step! Now call your clinic and talk with the nutritionist. Even if you feel they won't be bale to hrlp..just talking may help and they have insights that you can't know...Please do not let thsi go. I would hate to see you sabbatoge yourself so far out and lose the battle. I had my rny in june I am about your distance out and I too am very strict on myself...but we have to be. Best of luck and if you wanna [email protected] hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

April 23, 2010
I must say, I just love this group, and what everyone is saying. There is a treasure of information that comes from all of us. I am so scared of gaining weight once my hunger comes back. I am also looking in counseling, I look in the mirror and I do not see myself as a thin person. It is a battle to say the least, thanks all my weight loss sisters, I am truly happy to be apart of this forum.
   — FSUMom

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