Help!! What should my averages be?

I am currently 4 months out from RNY surgery on 3/27/06 and since than my surgeon has relocated his practice to a different state. I was just wondering what should my daily averages be for Calories, protien, fat, carbs, with excercise do I need to be burning more calories than I take in! I'm currently getting 60 to 70 grams of protien a day and my vitamins and such but I would like to start keeping better track so any help is appreciated! Hailey 245/178/135    — HAILEY (posted on August 8, 2006)

August 8, 2006
Hailey- congrats on doing so well- I am just over 3 mos post op- one month prior to surgery I found I track weight, exercise, food, vitamins, emotions etc. on it. Think I paid about $30 for it. Keep up the good work. Donna 286/196/145
   — dabby

August 8, 2006
It will help you tremendously to find a local bariatric surgeon who will follow you. You will want to have someone who knows you should any complications arise. As for averages, at 4 months out, boost your protein to closer to 80 grams per day. Don't worry too much about calories as you'll want to maximize ketosis by limiting carbohydrates to less than 25 grams per day. As for counting fat grams, if you are not pre-disposed to high cholesterol, at this time, you don't need to count fat grams (although fats are high in calories, if you are counting carbs, you don't need to count fats). However, be mindful that, in time, you will need to figure out a healthy maintenance diet which will require that you watch calories (and, therefore, factor in calories from fat).
   — SteveColarossi

August 8, 2006
Keeping a journal helps more than you think. has the Diet Minder it has a place to record calories,carbs,fiber,and protein as well as vitamins and exercise. Wouldn't be with out it. Cost 15.00........................ Susan Mettert
   — sue831

August 9, 2006
Hailey, You HAVE to find another surgeron to follow you and care for your continued health. YOu need regular bloodwork and checkups, THis is all extrememly important.
   — dt82689

August 9, 2006
You are dong great! Didn't your doctor give you diet information? Mine did, and so did the hospital. Essetntially, you should worry mmore about getting your protein and not eating carbs. The calories will take care of themselves if you do this, beause of sevral reasons. For one thing, eating carbs makes you crave carbs more, so if you don't eat carbs, you won't want them. also, protein makes you full, so you will fill up on protein and not eat so many carbs. you should not eat bread and cake. If you must have bread, make it whole grains, like wheat.
   — Novashannon

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