How can I get my act together to reach and maintain my goal weight?

I am 16 months out from rny and 15 lbs away from my personal goal. I am having a difficult time with my diet for the past 6 months-I feel exactly like I did previous to my surgery. i am hungry all the time, I can eat huge quantities of food with no restriction (don't make a habit of it but the fear is always there that I will start eating and not be able to stop myself), I do not dump from carbs. I don't even enjoy food-but I love to eat. Go figure. I can overdo it on food that is perfectly ok and healthy. The only thing that saves me from gaining is I exercise strenuously every day at the gym-usually for 1-2 hours with both resistance and cardio. I just need some encouragement-is it normal to feel this way after the "honeymoon" period is over? Any advice would be appreciated.    — Kristi K. (posted on April 17, 2010)

April 17, 2010
Well, I am a new post-op and can't speak from experience. But I have reasearched and learned from my WLS team. They tell me that when this seems to happen to back to the basics 1. Eat 3 meals a day evenly spaced out 2. Solid foods first 3. No drinking 30 mins before to 1 hr after 4. Snack only if you must.
   — A. Me

April 17, 2010
I find that if i eat often and little each time..I do not hungry. I am 22 months out..and have been maintaining for about 12 months. I eat 4 ounces every 4 hours and do not get hungry when I dont' skip a meal. Best of luck to you! hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

April 17, 2010
I am 19 1/2 months out and about 60 lbs from goal weight - I have lost 167 lbs - and yes - this is perfectly normal IF YOU DON'T ADDRESS THE REASONS YOU GOT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Why you are obsessed with food, why you can't stop grazing, etc. We each have our own issues with food and we need to address those or we will end right back where we started. I thought I had, but obviously I hadn't. So I turned to people who work with WLS patients - this site, for one! But I also signed up for Back on Track with Barbara and Katie's Jay's WLS Success for Life 30-day program - they are both great and take you step by step through getting back to basics, but also (and Katie Jay's I think is the best in this area FOR ME) help you address your issues with food. Some people go to counseling (find someone who has experience with bariatric surgery patients) or a nutritionist. You need to find what works for you - but you need to address it eventually, or you could end up back where you started. Just be sure to find someone you can talk to about it - you need a support person - my husband has been great! Plus, there is a local bariatric support group I go to - and they have so much to offer in the way of advice and suggestions AND SUPPORT! You can do it. You have already shown that! Congrats on the weight loss.
   — Wendy M.

April 18, 2010
Old habits are hard to break, for all of us! But first, huge congratulations on being so close to your goal and for being so diligent with your exercise! Think about what you said, "I don't even enjoy food-but I love to eat". Why do you love to eat if you don't enjoy it? Could this be "head hunger"? The key here is to find something else that you really do love to replace the habit of eating. Stay busy, when you feel like eating, take a walk, dance, go to the gym, anything to get your mind off it. Look in the mirror at your success and tell yourself that there is no amount of food worth giving that success up for. You worked hard for this...don't throw it away! See your surgeon and let him know how you feel. You should not really be hungry all the time. I wish you luck and all continued success!
   — Bonnie H.

April 18, 2010
When you are where you are at you have to get back to basics. Eat five small meals every three hours and keep up the exercise and make protein the most of what you eat, remember 75% protein. Also change up your exercise routine to get your body to kick in with new exercises.
   — postalmoose

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