Success with jumpstarting weight loss again after 2 years out?

Everyone says go back to basics to jumpstart weight loss. My question is has anyone had success with it and how long did it take to jumpstart? Also how much more weight did you loose and how long did it take you? I am trying to get confidence in going back to basics, but in order to mentally prep me for it, especially the liquid diet again, I need to know if it works. Thanks. Keri, mom of twins after WLS    — kerihough (posted on June 9, 2006)

June 9, 2006
I still want to lose 30-40 lbs but haven't been motivated, so I know how you feel. However, I can say that on days I don't eat much at all, I will find that my pouch does shrink up. I would almost say by half. So a few days of protein drinks and not letting much put pressure on your pouch will help give you more restriction to start. I do think going back to basics would help, but I haven't had the energy to jump in just yet. I think summer is going to help for me though because I love salads and veggies, so it will be easier to get rid of some of the higher calorie items that way.
   — Dinka Doo

June 9, 2006
I believe there's a Yahoo group called OSSG-Off-Track which helps people with regain at a year or more post-op to basically get back on track. Lots of tips, tricks and support on that site for that.
   — j_coulter

June 9, 2006
Yes it is possiable to jump start , Here is how I did it I started at 235, I now weigh between 125 and 130, I went up to 142 so I went back to full liquids for one day the next day I had like sugar free popcicles, pudding,oatmeal,mashed sweet potatoes, then the next week I portioned everything oh I also road my bike faithfully every day but Sunday for the next week and a half and wallla I was down 10 pounds so if you have 20 to lose repeat process for another week and so on it does work your mind set has to be on what you are doing... Stacey T. (Gizzy)
   — Stacey T.

June 10, 2006 Barbara Thomson, suthor of two briatric surgery books and motivational speaker, has a program for people who had the surgery and want to restart their diet. I have not tried it, since I am not far enough out yet, but it looks good.
   — Novashannon

June 11, 2006
I have a great program I put togther based off Back on Track and other programs that have been developed. I am also over 2 years out and experiencing some weight gain. The program works. Email me for info. It is something I can email to you. Ketosis is the name of the [email protected] Vera
   — vhoupt

June 13, 2006
Hi Keri: I'm 3 years out and have recently jump-started my weight loss, too. Made sure I got 60g of protein (3 shakes/day - I really like the products), started back to the gym, cut out sodas completely, and upped my water. I think this is all part of the "they did surgery on our bodies, not our brains" syndrome. I mean, we all KNOW that going back to basics works - so why do we need constant reminders to do just that? It's a fool-proof formula: water+protein+exercise. Because let's face it, it's those old habits, and listening to all our excuses that kept us trapped in our fat bodies in the first place. I've lost 14 lbs. since May 1st, and have about 60 more to go. I honestly feel terrific, don't feel deprived, and am glad to be back on the "losing" side. Best of luck to you!
   — momstah

June 13, 2006
Hi Keri ... yeah, get bit by a dog ;-) ... I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT!! I experienced a 20 pound gain in 10 months (September 2004 through July 2005) ... I was then bit by my neighbor's dog a week after I found out I had gained, and ended up in the hospital for two separate 5-day stays (within two weeks of one another) ... and I think being pumped full of pain meds and being backed up, I just couldn't eat ... and I haven't gotten my appetite back since (part of it is I get pains when I eat solid food ... part of it may be the fear of gaining). Well, I've since lost 75 pounds, but I think I am the poster child of HOW NOT to do it. My eating "issues" are at the other end right now. One of the things I would recommend though is,if you don't already, JOURNAL your intake/exercise, etc. I use, but I understand is even better (haven't tried that yet). I think one of my problems during that 10 month period of gain, was I thought I "had it down" ... stopped journaling, stopped weighing ... and then SURPRISE! I think I will always have to journal. I wish you well ... you'll get there!
   — Karyn B

June 19, 2006
Oh my goodness... you sound like a duplication of what I went through...I fell off the wagon and started to sink, fell off the face of the earth, never finding my "why" Until I found my goals, and made a plan of action... I was not budging with anything I tried! keep the faith and when you are ready you will know!!! Looking forward to hearing good things about you! Celeste
   — shakeyourweight

July 6, 2006
Keri...Have you had any luck this past luck with your regain? I am here for you if you desire to chat? Celeste
   — shakeyourweight

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