Where to start when wanting mechanics checked out?

I'm 2 years post-op and often wonder if my stoma is too large. I want to have my mechanics checked out, but 1) I've moved across country from my original surgeon and 2) he's retired anyway. Where do I start? With my PCM? Do I just find another surgeon and ask him to check me? Is this covered by insurance, or will I self-pay? Thanks!    — ruokannie (posted on August 2, 2006)

August 3, 2006
First if your inners were screwed up you'd know it by the pain. If it's because you hit a plateau you may just need to get back to basics, like you just started with a new reroute. Once again as with many members you don't ave anything filled out on your profile so we can't see what your doing as such as eating wrongly or not exercising and drinking 0 calorie drinks. Now get with your Primary and if your primary to discuss it as you'll probably need to see a Surgeon in network and their only going to go by Xrays their not going to open you up just for a look. Good luck.
   — Michael Eak

August 3, 2006
Depends on your ins. My ins didn't cover anything to do with WLS, so I pointed out tummy discomfort and had a scope with a GI. I talked to him first to be sure he had a clue, and he billed it as a pain check (plus I had a life long history of ulcer), so my ins paid for that. My GI did have a clue, he just didn't know everything about it. I was able to get the info I needed from him, though. You didn't say where you live now, as some members here might be able to refer you to their docs. Some docs are getting nervous about malpractice suits and are reluctant to take "somebody else's" patients, so it's wise to get your search started.
   — vitalady

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