Need ideas and help
So, I had RNY in March of 2010. I feel like I have no self control and the people in my house aren't helping any. Making cakes, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, you name it. I eat these and don't feel sick and I feel like I'm gaining weight back and I need help! How do I stay away from these? THANKS — CourtCourt2009 (posted on May 18, 2011)
May 18, 2011
I can so relate... I had RNY 12/09 and I seem to suddenly have the hungry
horrors for "junk" food. I am weighing myself daily to make sure
I'm not gaining!!!! I have put on 3 lbs. I went to a support group, and
that helped it was on mindful eating... stop and look and wait 5 mins
before you put anything in your mouth, also figure out why you want to
eat... is it meal time? If not then try to do something else. Good
— fortywhat2
May 18, 2011
Well, for one thing, do you go to a support group? Another thing, I went
through hell with this operation, lots of pain, throwing up and
hospitalizations, so I never want to go back to 245 again. I go to a
counselor too, he is marvelous, I am my best advocate, however I could be
my worse one too. Do you exercise daily? The last most important thing
is, if you have to get in 85 grams of protein a day, how can you eat all
this other stuff which doesn't do anything good for you nutritionally? I
allow myself one Fiber Plus bar a day, it gives me fiber and it is good and
not that high in sugar.
I know others will balk at me saying what else I do, but I weigh myself
every other day or at least twice a week.
In this weight loss journey I have found women can be your worse enemies,
they are jealous!!!! My best friend had this surgery 7 years ago and I was
always happy for her, never jealous, but I am a secure gal! Do this for
yourself and not buy food for your family that is bad for them, they do not
need it also, do not sabotage yourself.
— FSUMom
May 18, 2011
I forgot one more thing, I sure do hope you see your nutritionist, they are
a big help. What about writing down everything you eat?
— FSUMom
May 18, 2011
Oh that's tough. Keep things you can have instead for your treats that are
not off limits. Don't undo all you have been thru. These foods are not good
for them either. I am so fortunate that it is just me and my husband and he
is on Atkins. We have gotten all sugar breads and starches out of the
house. Since doing so, I relost 10 lbs I had regained. Try talking to your
family and see if they will try to modify your cooking. Can they get their
goodies outside the home? You have to take charge of what you put in your
mouth. NO one can take care of you but YOU. Good luck. Get back on track,
take care of your tool and make it work and you will be a success!!
— lesleigh07
May 18, 2011
My surgery was 27-Dec-10. I have lost 63# and still losing. I don't have
the issue at home but at work, we always have donuts, cookies, snacks,
whatever. I bring my own snacks (fruit, low-fat popcorn, lunch, etc) and I
bypass the junk that is out for everyone to share. It is will power and it
is tough because I look at it and want it but I also want to keep my weight
loss. Maybe find some low-fat, sugar free alternatives that you can enjoy
when your family enjoys the junk that you don't want to eat. That way you
can eat together and you will maintain your weight loss and still enjoy
eating with your family. Good luck!
— Jo R.
May 18, 2011
I'm sorry that you are going through such a hard time and that you're
family isn't more supportive. It sounds like you're in between a rock and
hard place. There have been some really good ideas made by other posters.
May I make another suggestion? The only reason I making this one is
because it works for me. I do buy the junk food for my husband and son.
It's just that I buy the kind that I HATE. For example, if I buy ice
cream, it's coffee and I'll buy it in the dixie cup size. ( I hate coffee
with a passion)
I know it's tough losing weight. Please go somewhere for support. It will
make the world of difference.
— Kathleen W.
May 18, 2011
Here is the truth about our surgeries. They are just a tool for us to use.
I LAUGH when i am accused of taking the easy way out with surgery.
Honestly, I could eat anything I want too. Just like someone who hadnt had
the surgery. Maybe less of it at first, but i could still do it. IT IS A
CHOICE not too. I can have that french silk pie, or that birthday cake, or
the pastas and breads, all those trigger foods i love so much....OR...i
can remember how much i HATED being 450 pounds. How it hurt to move. How
i couldnt wipe my own butt. I mean really. Remember how it used to be
when you were at your highest weight? How i do it is that i picture what i
looked like and those thoughts and feelings i had versus how i move and
feel today. Seeing a therapist was important for me. I also use 12 step
groups because i am a food addict. Both of those tools in combination with
the surgical tool i was given have made a huge difference. Another thing i
do is i think...what are the costs (fat calories, sugar, carbs) versus the
benefits (protein) and if the benefits dont outweight, i dont eat it. Try
getting in protein first wait 1 and 1/2 hours after you eat the protein to
drink. If you are still having huge hunger issues and nothing is working,
go back to your doc. they can help. YOU DONT HAVE TO SHAME YOURSELF.
Just pick up and move on. This is a gift you are giving yourself! and
congrats for checking it early! you are doing great!!
— lady_myst
May 19, 2011
Along with all these great ideas you can also make your own dessert! Sites
like have WONDERFUL recipes for all kinds of
desserts along with other wonderful post bariatric recipes. So make some up
and when they start making their desserts... you can eat your own that
taste just as good! I just had my surgery 5/11/2011 so I know I'll be using
that site. Also try, another great
bariatric recipe site. Good luck!!
— Dawn F.
May 19, 2011
I had RNY April 26, 2010. I lost 50 lbs and was hoping for 75. Granted
the past 9 months I have not done much excercise and unfortunatly way more
snacking than I should have. At my year checkup (all labs and protein was
good) I had gained back 6 lbs. I was devastated. I started going to
Support group and it has helped to realize I am not alone on this journey
and that it is MY journey not necessarily everyone else around me's
journey. My surgeon's office is helping me by making me accountable,
journaling what I eat and the calories. They believe I can still be where
I want to be. This is not easy but I agree with the posters who state this
is a "tool" and there is help out there but we have to look and
ask for it. I don't want to go back to what I was. Today is a good day,
tomorrow may be more of a struggle but believe that you can do it and that
you were given a gift to help yourself. Good Luck and God Bless all of
— Cindya19
May 19, 2011
I have this same problem whenever I go to a church function. I am
surrounded by the best looking treats ever! Here's what works for me.
Whenever you are tempted, step away! The old saying out of sight out of
mind really does work. Next, spend five minutes remembering what you have
gone through to lose the weight and why this treat is not worth it. Mostly,
I find that 5 minutes is all I need for the craving or temptation to pass.
I also find that if I have treats that are acceptable for my diet within
reach it makes denying myself that unhealthy treat so much easier. I wish
you the best of luck!
— kittymama03
May 22, 2011
I know what your going thru ,,I did same thing many times I have put
cookies girl scout cookies ..LOL ,candy ect down the garbage disposal to
get rid of them and to show my self I am in control Kaye
— angelscent
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