see a faster weight loss

I went to oreantion on January 25,2009 and now I'm waiting for my next appointment. I plan to call and find out about my next step. In the mean time I have lost 5 pounds since my oreantion appointment. So it puts me at a toal of 9 pounds I have lost. My question is "Am I losing to fast"? and "Is ok I take protein shakes for all my meals"? If not "How many shakes should I have each day"? Right now I'm taking shakes once a day, but someone told me if I want to see a faster weight loss to drink just the shakes. With lot's water for a few days. Is this good to do? I want to lose weight to get my 10% off but not do anything that will hurt me in the long run. thanlks for your help    — treeeza (posted on February 17, 2009)

February 16, 2009
My BMI was just over 35 when I began the process. I was concerned that if I went below 35 my Insurance Co would say no. Once I was approved I decided that I wanted to drop 20lbs pre surgery. I too did it with protein shakes. I drank one for breakfast and sometimes if I didn't have time for lunch I would do one then as well. I had no problems...I believe it even is helping now because I am used to doing shakes for breakfast. Have you gotten your first date with the surgeon yet? I am 6 days post op now and am doing very well...please if you have any more questions I would be more than happy to help. I was fortunate to have a lot of help when I was at your stage. Kimberly
   — kfgates

February 17, 2009
No I haven't seen the surgeon yet. I'm still waiting and I'm getting a little anxious about it. I know everything takes time, but it feels like forever. Yhank you for your help.
   — treeeza

February 17, 2009
Once you are approved, I don't think they reconsider. The purpose of losing the weight before surgery is to reduce the fat around the liver and ensure that the lipids and so-forth are healthy when you do go into surgery.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 17, 2009
I called and got my appt it's feb 27th
   — treeeza

February 17, 2009
I am two years post op and have lost 140 pounds. I recently gained 3 pounds so I upped my exercise to lose those three pounds. I am a part of a wonderful bariatric program and the doctors and nutritionists are against replacing meals with protein drinks. They do encourage them for supplemental protein. The reasoning is that there are so many nutrients the body needs that are not included in the drinks - some even unknown nutrients. My surgeon also thinks drinking protein drinks instead of food is still putting yourself in the "fast food" mentality. He doesn't even like for us to have Lean Cuisine for the same reason - it's fast food. If you're doing protein drinks for a short time - and you will have to do them post surgery for awhile - that's probably OK but it might not be good to do it for a long period of time. You want to get used to a new life style as far as food is concerned and drinking protein drinks in place of food doesn't do it. I will make my own drink if I feel I haven't gotten enough protein but I never replace a meal with one. I make mine from 1% milk, i cup low fat, low sugar yogurt, one banana, some berries and a scoop of whey protein powder. Good luck on your surgery, Theresa. This is the right decision you've made. Maureen Akron, Ohio
   — Muggs

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