hi,i am one year out of rny surgery and this has been my problem
since almost last 6-8 months. I have alost 135 lbs already and doing great. I am vegetarian and during my regular weekdays i exercise alot and eat lentils (beans ), cottage cheese etc basically take high protein diet and do fine but sometimes during weekends i have a cheat day and eat something else other than my regular diet like cookie, bread and everything in limited quantity and my system can not take it and just dumps out. In other word just within an hour after i eat i have to run to restroom and i am constipated. I am a human being and like to eat sometimes different other than my regular diet like lil sweets once in a while on weekends. How do i resolve this problem. The foods other than high protein doesn't stay in me and just comes out. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot in advance. — mrjack (posted on April 25, 2008)
April 25, 2008
First, congratuations on a terrific weight loss, and second, weren't you
told about dumpig before your surgery? If you were not told about it,
shame on your doctor; if you were then realize it is just a part of life
and you'll have to satisfy that craving with something naturally sweet,
like a nice piece of cantaloupe or strawberries. I never dumped and it
lead to a weight gain (that and being bedridden for 14 months), so I now
have to go back and lose 40 lbs. So from a weight loss stand, count it a
blessing and try to find 'harmless" sweets like sugar free jello (yes,
I know it has artificial sweetener, but iit's a trade off that you have to
decide on). This path we took is not really easy at times and we have to
make the best of this new gift. Blessings...
— Kathy T.
April 25, 2008
Congrats on your weight loss that is fantastic!! I am just over 1 year out
and I can cheat as you put it!! and I don't dump.. however my cheat would
be 1 dove chocolate today or literally a bite of a piece of cake or a
weight watchers sweet treat or the 100 calorie bag of cookies which would
last me 2 days.... so what I am telling you is everything in moderation..
our bodies cannot handle a "Cheat Day" so you need to deal with
that and have a small cheat every once in a while... and see how your body
deals with that!! No one new know I have had Lap RNY I am dating and eating
dinners and sometimes going out for yummy desserts... I never finish my
meal and everyone thinks no wonder she is so thin..LOL and for the dessert
I always say lets share... and you know what I have 2-3 spoons full and
they finish the rest and don't think I really did not have much... and I
don't dump...... so you need to try a bit and live a bit but always
rememeber what got us in this mess int he first place and thank the lord
that there was something out there to to help us be alive today to complain
about not being able to cheat!!! Good luck...Elisa
— Elisa S.
April 25, 2008
Great jhob with the weight loss ! If you supliment the protein you take
and get 70% of your calories from Protein, then try to use the balance of
the calories from fresh fruit and vegatables. At this stage you can all
whole grains, so how about so home made muffins made with Baking Spenda?
You can add Blueberrys and other fruit. I made some with Carrots for my
wife recently. What is happening in stead of get the fast heart beat and
somoch cramps and sweeting, it just passes through you and into your colon.
I have found that the sugar in Low fat dairy and fruit does not effect me,
but just two bites of any sweets or a desert will make me ill, so I just
stay away, but I know that head hunger can be overwelming. Best of success
to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
April 25, 2008
Well...Looks like you have a problem...but it's really not a bad one when
you think of it this way...Your body knows what it can handle and tells
your brain and gets rid of the problem...Your brain on the other hand is a
spoiled child and it wants what it wants whether you can handle it or
not...Your body reacts like the parent and says NO!
So...I suggest you find some really cool recipes to make your own indulgent
foods with the stuff your body can handle but your head it's taste buddies
will be happy about too. Or you have a moment of tasteful bliss and an
hour or two on the toilet!
Seriously though...You will find that some foods you can tolerate some days
and sometimes never again. Keep trying for the things you absolutely love
and just eat in moderation as someone else already suggested.
Good luck and congrats on your success!
— .Anita R.
April 26, 2008
One of the side effects of RNY (part of the reason why it is so successful
too!) is that certain foods, usually those high in sugar or fat, will cause
you to dump and feel awful.
And as you have discovered, "cheating" isn't fun if it always
ends with you feeling sick. Most people try to take advantage of this to
help keep them on track with eating.
You could try some of the low carb / no sugar cookies/candies/ice
cream/treats, however, the ones with sugar alcohols can cause gas and
diarrhea if you eat a lot of it.
I don't know if it would work for you, but maybe instead of cookies or
bread, you could eat fruit for your cheat. I buy frozen strawberries or
cut and freeze banana slices and then toss them in the blender with
unsweetened vanilla or chocolate almond breeze (could also use soy milk,
calorie countdown cow milk, half and half or cream) and some splenda....
MMMMMmmmm good. Chocolate peanutbutter banana is really good too.
If you absolutely have to have regular cookies or bread, things with sugar,
you may find that smaller amounts eaten with protein helps reduce the
severity of the dumping.
I'm not really sure what you mean by "I have to run to the bathroom
and I am constipated" .... you have the urge to go but can't? or
normally you are constipated but once you eat carbs you aren't?
Best wishes.
— mrsidknee
April 26, 2008
Jack...congrats!...hate to tell you is par for the
course...I am 6 yrs out...vegetarian...and love occasional
sweets...however, if I stray from my typical vegetarian is a race to the
toilet...then for a couple days I am combating either raging diarrhea or
constipation...I have learned to manage it by taking an herbal remedy
called Swedish Bitters, eating a lot of yogurt containing the pribiotic l.
acidophilus (I even take the supplement) and for the diarrhea I take
Imodium...BUT...I am glad to have had the has changed my life
dramatically...I will take this inconvenience over the
weight...ANYTIME...Good luck to you!!! Samantha :)
— Samantha M.
April 26, 2008
Your body will get rid of what it can't or won't tolerate in a swift and
sometimes, uncomfortable manner and that is a good thing for us food/carb
addicts. Your tool is doing exactly what is supposed to do. Find what you
can't tolerate in the way of sugar free sweets/recipes and stay away from
what you can't. Sorry, I don't think that's the answer you wanted to
hear... but...
Also, learn to distinguish between emotional and physical hunger/cravings
and work on dealing with them in constructive ways. Here is where the real
work is in my opinion.
Good luck to you,
Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
— DawnVic
April 27, 2008
Wow, what a wonder accomplishment. Something for me to look forward to. I
have only had 1 incident dumping and that was getting frozen yogurt that
wasn't sugar free. My surgeon told me to introduce new things later in the
day, probably after you get home, so that if you have a problem with it
you're home and not out.
Just remember that the things we may have done before are the reasons that
we got to be overweight to begin with. So be careful not to get back in
that line of thinking.
— redlilies
April 28, 2008
Congrats on the weight loss. Sugar to this day I can not eat and am 9 years
post op. Sugar will cause you to dump. This was one of the negative things
about the surgery.
— nascar_angel_3_2003
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