allied ditpill after RNy byepass(help)
Im 6 months out havent lost any weight. But gained 3lb. i work out 5 days a week . take my 2protein drinks daily. take 2000mg of calcium. 2000mg vit c, vit b12, multi vita, iron , biotition , chromion picolinate , fish oil , vit Evit b6 veggie. no carb. a gallon of water everyday. this is realy frustrating.i stay active . i work as a nurse constantly on my feet for 8 hrs a day moving n swetting. so im thinking of taken some supplement. maybe allied . does anyone feel the way im feeling. i constantly hit plateu. i only lost 40lb but gain 3 what am i doing wrong. i try to stay positive. i stayed off the scale for 2 months hopijng to see a big difference . saw a big disapointment. cant stop crying over this. what to do — yvettetas (posted on July 25, 2007)
July 25, 2007
Have you lost any inches? Had to wear smaller clothes sizes? I used to
work out 5-7 days a week and I noticed I gained muscle, but didn't have the
big pound loss that I wanted. You NEED the muscle to help you lose the
weight. Maybe kick back your exercising to 3 times a week which would work
great with your walking that you do on your job . I'm doing that and I've
seen even more of an inch loss. I'm not able to weigh myself as there are
no large scales here in town and I'm barely over the "average"
scale at the clinic here in town. You also say you drink your 2 protein
drinks a day. You need to check the grams of protein, you are supposed to
be getting at LEAST 70 grams each day. Are you eating fast food? Talk to
your nutritionist, they can help you find out what is going on and help fix
it. Good luck!
— crystalsno
July 25, 2007
have you tried increasing your protien? divide your current weight in half
and that will give you the amount af protien you need to have in order to
lose weight. the more protien the more fat you will burn, also try
increasing your calories. is a great way to track your daily
food and caloric intake. if you still haven't seen a change in a couple of
weeks I would talk to your Dr. about it.
— Jenney
July 25, 2007
You need to have a serious meeting with your nutritionist because although
you sound like you are doing everything right, there seems to be a problem.
I weigh myself every week and although I've had pretty steady weight loss,
I regroup if I haven't lost as much or want to lose more. Are you
recording your food on fitday? After 6 months you are able to eat more and
more often and you may be doing that self consciously. I am sure your
nutritionist will be able to get you back on track.
— Sheri A.
July 25, 2007
Ditto all of the above. From what I have heard about Allied diet pill it
will only produce affects if you are consuming high fat foods. Producers
of the product say you will not see a difference otherwise. If you have
had RNY that would be unlikely. I too had somewhat of the same problem but
kept a food journal and found that I was eating high calorie allowable
foods that affected my progress. Once I stopped the nibbling on foods I
began to lose. With WLS we have to find what works for us and each of us
is different. You must remember that muscle weighs more than fat but you
will eventually begin to lose. Have faith it does work and don't get
discouraged you will eventually find that happy medium for weight loss.
Hang in there and re-evaluate what you are eating. Also, if you are not
eating enough your body will go into starvation mode which will cause you
too hold on to fat. You haven't listed what you EAT besides protein
shakes. I know it sounds repetitive but go back to the basics of when you
could first start eating. Just hang in there...:)
— 1968 Loser
July 25, 2007
Are you missing any meals? I know you must be a very busy lady. I myself
get so involved with a project at work I will forget to eat or just not
want to eat. You have to get those small meals in or you could gain.
— Catherine F.
July 25, 2007
OK First your OH Profile is not filled in so we have no idea what your
story is? You state your doing 2 proteinn shakes, are these your only meals
- Are you counting these as a meal each or a snack or just an added Empty
Calorie Intake. You need to actually eat Protein Meals and measure your
portains to at the most 4 ounces. I'd suggest you get a copy of the
"Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" book. And follow it's plan, as
it seems your not following a Surgeon's Plan. Are you also attending WLS
Support Groups? Maybe you might take the ObesityHelp Leadership Program if
not to start a Support Group but to help yourself.
— Michael Eak
July 26, 2007
Hi Yvette, I am so sorry for your disappointment and your tears. This can
be very difficult. It sounds like you are doing all the right stuff, and
congratulations by the way on your 37 pound weight loss! I liked the idea
that one person posted to keep a journal of everything you eat. You sound
like you are a "too busy" person to really keep track of what you
are doing. Take the next two weeks and a pen and paper and write down what
you in the are of exercise, water and food. Don't change a thing, for just
two weeks take a good look at it. If it really is in line like you explain
above, you need an appt with a surgeon and they need to look at the work
they did and see if they made your pouch too big or if there is anything
they can do to help you out. First though, take a good and hard look at
yourself. We all know how to cheat, and we all know how to talk around the
truth of our little bad habits. After you prove yourself to not be in that
category, see your surgeon. If you do find there are things you need to
do, put on your fight girl and fight for your health. You are worth it and
this is a battle, without question. Take care. Patricia P.
— Patricia P
July 29, 2007
Assuming you have already had a complete physical to rule out any of the
medical conditions that could be preventing you from losing weight, there
are a few things to try. First, evaluate your caloric intake and be
certain that you are not in "starvation mode"-- the process where
your metabolism slows down to conserve the limited calories it's getting.
Secondly, examine your carbohydrate intake. Our bodies do not burn all
calories the same-- the same amount of calories which are consumed by
someone on a high-protein, low-carb program can promote weight loss, but a
higher-carb version with the same calories may not. Also, keeping that in
mind, try to boost your protein to at least 80 grams a day and lower your
carbs to no more than 24 (remember to count your vitamins in that total).
As for protein shakes, your body doesn't know or care whether you get your
protein from a shake, a steak or a handful of nuts--- of course, depending
upon the calories and carb content of each source, and how satisfied you
feel after each selection, you might have different results depending upon
the method you choose.
Lastly, think about keeping a food journal (if you are not already)--- yes,
it's tough. And, sometimes it can be a tad demoralizing (for the grazers
among us). But, you might find that there are some hidden sources of carbs
and calories that are undermining your weight loss results. For me, when
my weight loss slowed and I examined what I had been eating, I discovered
that I was drinking a lot more coffee and, therefore, using lots more
artificial sweetener (most of which have a fractional amount of carbs)
which added up to considerable carbs over the course of a day. It worked
for me-- with luck, using a multi-pronged approach you can get the results
you want
— SteveColarossi
July 30, 2007
Do I understnad that you lost 40 pounds and gained three back, or did you
really not lose any at all? Plateaus are normal as your body adjusts.
— Novashannon
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