Help!! one year post-op and only down 75 lbs.

I had my surgery on 9-19-05 I started at 282 and i had a roux-en-y laparoscopic bypass, here it is a year later and i am only down 75lbs. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong, and why i am losing so slow. My doctor thought something might be wrong with my pouch but i had a scope done last week and he said everything is fine. I really need help on diet ideas to help me "boost up" my weight loss. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, but i dont think i am getting enough water/protein in my diet so All that can ,please HELP!!!!!    — coco2273 (posted on September 19, 2006)

September 19, 2006
Hi Nicole, Don't loose heart. I had my surgery on 11-3-06 and i've lost 65 lbs to date. I have had to really work hard to loose the last 15-20 pounds though. I hear that some people are just slow loosers....especially if you start out smaller. I was 236 (5'4) at surgery and now weight 171. I fit comfortably in a 12 now and some 10's. I workout 6 days a week with weights and cardio and the weight loss has just started to pickup again. I try to look at it as a good thing because it 'requires' me to practice a healthy and fit lifestyle and not just rely on the surgery. You can do it. Don't be hard on yourself. I also drink lots and lots of water, eat 5-6 small meals a day and get in about 120 (if not more) grams of protein a day. Cardio 6 x a week and weight training 4 days a week with one day off to just rest.
   — sherita

September 19, 2006
I would suggest seeing a nut. Especially if you want some good recipes that are high in protein. Since everything is ok with your pouch, check with a nut. to see what can be done with the eating. It could be as simple as you're not eating enough! lol. You're eating 3 meals and 2 snacks but maybe they aren't the right things. (I have no clue...just a thought) lol. Getting enough water/protein is definitely going to boost the weight loss but I know it's hard to get it in. If you don't like shakes (like me) try protein bars. Also, watch your sugar. Not just the # of sugars in the nutritional facts but in the actual ingredients. I was told not to eat anything with sugar in the first 3 ingredients. Kinda like a diabetic. I think a nut. could really help you. And don't get discouraged. 75lbs is nothing to sneeze at! Good luck
   — platypus

September 19, 2006
good for you on down 75lbs. . You might try a back to the basics and keep a log of what you're eating and exercise . . Talk to your nutritionist or your surgeon about this .
   — lou1425

September 19, 2006
I think you answered your own question. Yes if you are not getting 80+ grams of protein you aren't getting enough. Do your meals consist of protein mostly? And yes water is important which I get thru getting my 80+ grams of protein, at least 64+ oz. Try a sample or sample packets from until you can find some that you like.
   — ccstann

September 19, 2006
I have to tell you that I eat a half cup of oatmeal for breakfast, a small salad that has cheese and meat and mushrooms in it for lunch, and a very small portion of whatever the family is having for supper and i eat a few triscuits and cheese before bed and drink lots of water in between, we cannot go back to eating as much as we were before and still expect to lose, just food for thought.
   — Peggy G.

September 19, 2006
Have Egg Beaters and non-fat yogourt for breakfast, a protein shake mid-morning, a Lean Cuisine lunch, a protein shake in the afternoon, a reasonable dinner (lean protein, minimal carbs, yummy steamed veggies - I like a low-fat shepherd's pie NO gravy that I can make a bunch of CHEAPLY at home), and another protein shake later in the evening if you need it (for instance if you have a chocolate craving). There are lots of great protein shake recipes out there. Oops, and of course get all your supplements in! Try to get 30 minutes of cardio each day too, even if it's just fast walking - that should help kickstart the loss again.
   — j_coulter

September 20, 2006
Do you Keep a Food Journal of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. If not, then Start one right away also adding how you feel when your eatting & the atmospere around you. Then adding your weight when you weigh-in. That way you can look back as to when you were losing, maintaining & losing weight. And reverb back to your losing processes. Start by going back the day your surgeon released you from the hospital to the basic program. Drink at least a gallon of anything zero calorie. Cut the V8 stuff. Liquid calories only add there no nutrition value in Juices. Get back to pure proteins. 2-3 ounces per sitting. And if you need more Protein to satisfy your body, try the Protein shakes that give you 22-24 grams of protein adding Non-fat Dry Milk instead of regular milk, it ups the protein to about 30 grams. Our bodies dump excess protein anything over 33 grams per intake. Cut back to the 3 meakls a day and if you need a snack make them the protein shakes. They'll also give you a energy boost. Oh and fill in your OH Journal so we can follow your progress and you may inspirer someone else to succeed. Good Luck.
   — Michael Eak

September 23, 2006
Nikki, you answered your own questions, up the protein and increase the water. After a year, you know if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, you don't need anyone to tell you that. Up your protein, drink plenty plenty water, cut the fruit and eat low carb veggies. You can do it. I am almost 2 years post op and went back to the basics of liquid protein and only protein and water and vitamins to get back on track. Still got about 60 lbs to go and want them gone. I just had to call myself on the carpet and set myself straight and that is what you can do too. Push for the stars, you didn't have this surgery for nothing--did ya? Debbie
   — imdebbie

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