I need to lose about 30 pounds

I had my surgery in 2002, I lost 160 pound from 310, between feb 2009 till now I had gained back 30 pounds since losing my job. I've tried everything, I walk about a mile and a half three times a week, I run on the treadmill the other two for about 20 minutes but I haven't lost anything. I have been stressed out because I lost my job and like everyone else I'm on unemployment, going on interviews and hoping some job calls me soon before I lose my home, but in the meantime I'm eating all the wrong foods. I feel that once I get back to work I know I'll lose the weight because I won't be sitting at home eating but I'm so upset about not having a job and possibly losing my home that I drink a glass of wine (or maybe two)and tylenol pm while I'm crying to make me sleep at night so I can wake up the next day and look for a job and come back home and wait by the phone. What can I do to start losing weight again and oh yeah what can I do to firm up all this cellulite. Thanks    — rebedeb (posted on April 2, 2010)

April 2, 2010
I am so sorry to hear your story, I do wish I had some answers for you. Can you try protein shakes and cut back on your carbs? I wish you all the luck in the world, you are experiencing some hard times.
   — FSUMom

April 2, 2010
I am so sorry to hear your story, I do wish I had some answers for you. Can you try protein shakes and cut back on your carbs? I wish you all the luck in the world, you are experiencing some hard times.
   — FSUMom

April 2, 2010
I am so sorry to hear your story, I do wish I had some answers for you. Can you try protein shakes and cut back on your carbs? I wish you all the luck in the world, you are experiencing some hard times.
   — FSUMom

April 2, 2010
Hi....I'm in the same boat as you, except that I haven't gained any weight....I'm only just over a year out and recently zipped right on past my surgeon's goal weight for me and am only 8 pounds from my own goal weight. BUT, I highly advise you to go back to mostly protein, 5 small meals per day (about 200 - 250 calories each), getting in at LEAST 65 to 85 grams of protein (I try for 100 or more), and NO MORE than 120 grams of carbs (but I try to keep mine down to about 50), and 30 grams of fat or less. That should really help you. Take a Sunday and make up meal-fixings for the I slice up all my strawberries and put them in containers sprinkled with Splenda, I make up either my tuna or chicken salad with a little bit of Best Foods light mayo to moisten, along with chopped boiled egg and a heaping tablespoon of dill pickle relish (I probably make up 2 cups at a time, which means 4 eggs, and 5 or 6 tbsp of mayo, and 3 or 4 heaping tbsp of relish. I also make up Jell-o Instant Sugar-Free pudding with Fat-Free milk, and cook up some fish and portion it out in 4 oz bags. I cook up some veggies, like asparagus or broccoli, and sometimes Bush's vegetarian fat-free baked beans, and just generally clear the house of everything that might tempt me (and that would basically be all the carbs). My surgeon and nutritionist, even now at one year out, still want us eating 5 - 6 small meals per day, instead of three "normal" meals. The say that the extra meals keeps your blood sugar at the right levels, and your metabolism steady. It can't hurt. One thing you don't want to do is be gaining your weight back while you're trying to interview. And truly, I don't think there is a thing in the world you can do about cellulite, short of having lipo suction. It's just a fact of life for most of us. I'm so glad I've lost it all...I could just see the curtains coming down over their eyes when I walked into the room weighing 307 pounds. Also, you may have to do what I'm contemplating doing... getting yourself signed up with a placement or temp agency until you find something you like. My unemployment runs out at the end of this month, and although I get lots of interviews, they've always chosen someone else....even when I thought I had it in the bag... I think they are paying attention to my age, instead of my accomplishments.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 2, 2010
I think that you have identified why you are doing it. While one can't just say 'go get a job' especially now, it is important that when you see yourself getting ready to make that bad decision about eating that you get up and go do something else. Don't buy wine, don't get the bad food. Just do something else, and certainly don't eat to make yourself feel better. I think that would help you a lot.
   — Im_gonna_be

April 2, 2010
Sorry things aren't going well. I am sure that the feeling of not being able to control your eating is scary and, unfortunately familiar. I suggest that you do some reading on emotional eating. Also, I would go back to the liquid protein and start back slowly advancing to regular food again. Get rid of all the food that you know that you should not be eating now. Go to the kitchen, pack it up and take it to a food pantry or relative. It is less likely that you will get into your car to drive to get food than if it was in your kitchen. It sounds like your eating is being fueled by anxiety and fear. The thing with anxiety is that our mind goes to predicting the future and sees it as bad. Just deal with right now; just this minute. The future, good or bad, is unknown. 'Feeling Good' and 'When Panic Attacks: The New Anxiety Therapy that can change your life' by David Burns were good books to help with trying to change the way you think about life. 'Feeling Good' changed my life. There is a big risk of cross addiction for us. We have used food to sooth ourselves. There is a risk that we can turn to alcohol. You can do a search on this web-site about cross addiction. Also, something like tai-chi or yogi can help reuce stress while exercising. You can probably get the books and some tai-chi or yogi dvds at the library. Overeaters Anonymus might help. There is support here. Just post on the main forum or one of the many other forums. Other people have had the same problem as you and want to support others. Best of luck to you.
   — MargaretHM

April 5, 2010
I am so sorry to here of your difficulties, i wish you the very best. Stay positive and focussed on what you want, and not on what you don't want. I agree with everyone here, go back to 90-100 grams of protien a day, you can even add a few frozen straberries to make a more filling smoothie. 3-protien shakes a day and broiled chicken or fish and steamed veggies. it works for me. best of luck to you.
   — Chris O.

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