9 months out

hey guys....i am 9 mo out from my lap rny and was just wondering what kind of calorie intakes everybody else is getting in...i do circuit training an hour a day, have an active job and i walk about 20-25 miles a week...i've lost 116 lbs but i'm just wondering if i should be taking in more calories since i work out so much....anybody? by the way....not bragging by any means but i'm still losing about 2 lbs a week if that matters...thanks    — lizzie42 (posted on February 17, 2008)

February 17, 2008
Hi, I have lost 93 pounds and will be 9 months out on the 22nd. I take in about 900 calories a day.
   — Alvernlaw

February 17, 2008
Congrats to you may I ask what you eat daily do you do a protein shake everyday I myself am 3 months out but weight coming off slow. Thanks for the info
   — campnwego

February 17, 2008
Wow! Ur amazing! I'm 5 mo.out and am "slow Jo". 50 lbs for me. But I have really struggled in the exercise dept. I'm curious to know also what u r eating in a typical day...ur exercising inspires me...I USED to walk 3 miles 5 days a week but its brrr cold.treadmill is beyond boring. Should be warming up soon-but I know - should get my but out there. Major congrats to u!!!! Mari
   — wowmomma

February 18, 2008
bellieve it or not i don't deprive myself of anything, for me personally if i did that then i would fail...i eat what i want just in i said though i exercise if i want my sweets i eat em....i still have trouble with red meat which sucks..i eat alot of shrimp and i eat about 4 or 5 small meals a day and take spirulina which keeps the metabolism revvin...i'm also a soup fanatic so i eat tons of it...(not all at once) lol
   — lizzie42

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