Ive gained 30lbs...really EMBARRASSED by it. HELLLPP!!!!

Hi, I had surgery (gastric bypass) in Feb 08. I lost 130 with in 1yr. Well Feb of this yr. I lost my father whom I was VERY close with. All those emotions of his death brought back old habits of stuffing my mouth to rid me of my depression. Now I am 1yr and 8mths post-opt and I have gained 30lbs. Most ppl gain that in 5yrs..ive done it 8mnths. I am so ashamed of this. Please help...I really want and need to get back on track. I am desperate for any motivation and realistic ideas to get back down. Thx in advance.    — msjackson84 (posted on October 9, 2009)

October 9, 2009
back to basics!!! throw out ALL of the carby bad foods in your house. preferably NOW and not monday or the beginning of the month. do your proteins first, then a veggie then a fruit. no drinking with meals. take a brisk 20 minute walk every day (to get back on track). if you need to-- attend weight watchers or go to OA or FAA meetings! you need a support system to deal with your emotional eating. all is not lost. you still have your tool and it can still work for you.
   — greenpunchbuggie

October 9, 2009
When you are "stuffing your mouth" as you put it, aren't you feeling uncomfortable in your pouch or sick. I think if you paid attention to the "feeling" in your pouch perhaps it will help you realize that food is not your friend and it won't make things better or different. I am sorry to hear about your dad, I lost my step father and mother in law 2 years ago, 2 months apart. So I understand how you feel. Perhaps you should go see a grief counselor. I did when my mom died 6 yrs ago and it really helped. You will cry, but that is getting out the emotions you have and turn to food for comfort. Please try this and the rest will fall into place. YOu will have the motivation to start from the basics, but you have to fix the emotional problem first. Best wishes. Again sorry for your lose, but your dad wouldn't want you to sabatoge (sp) your weight loss from grief. Let's fix the grief.
   — Kristy

October 9, 2009
Hang in their, just resort back to the basics when you first lost weight. I am postop lapband 5/08. I just regained 3 pounds. It is my fault, I have not been eating right/nor exercising. I had another fill, and I have increased my exercise. Do not give up/or give in to temptation. You are worth it, I am so sorry about your father. May god be with you and your family. I will pray that your pain lessens as the days go by, and your journey back to losing your weight.
   — savoy7658

October 9, 2009
I agree with Kristi. You know the basics of eating; what you need to learn is how to deal with strong emotions. Denial does not work, though it is a normal part of grief. Grief denial does not have to equal eating denial. Learn to separate the two. THINK about constructive ways to express your grief: make a memory box or a pretty scrap book. Make a web page or a search of family history. Sew a quilt out of their old clothes. Learn to knit. Do activities that you associate with them to celebrate their lives like ballgames, camping, gardening, woodworking, fishing, whatever. Volunteer with a cancer society. Train for a cancer run/walk. Remember, they loved you and want the best for you; that doesn't include food sabotage.
   — jtoothman

October 9, 2009
Hey Guy's I too have the same problem, and when I saw all your answers to question it really helped. Thank You all, Janie Ackerly [email protected]
   — RetiredElizabeth

October 10, 2009
yes...back to basics. do the waiting 5 mins between bites, journal, chew chew chew, protein first, exercise, vitas and calcium, no drinking and eating and wait the 30 mins after before drinking. Good luck to you and congrats on what you have so far. Sorry for your loss also. Hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

October 11, 2009
Ireally happy to find a web-site it will really help us out there that in our first year I made my year sept 30th. Good Luck!!!!!
   — kaybusk

October 12, 2009
Don't beat your self up!! you have been through a hard time. You need to be more loving to yourself. Thirty pounds will come back off. You just need to develope some new ways to cope with emotions. Being hard on yourself only makes it harder to get on track. You lost 130 lbs. 30 will be nothing. You can do it!
   — trible

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