How can I get 70-75 grams of protein a day?
I am a snacker and I can't find anything with more than 5 grams of protein in it that's healthy besides full tv dinners and most of those have loads of sodium which doesn't help my blood pressure. Also I don't want to sit there and have to measure and cook up something that takes longer to cook than to eat. I'm a stay at home mom and I'm always on the go so I need something practical yet inexpensive too. So any ideas on how to get 70-75 grams of protein in a day without feeling like I'm eating all day long but also without having to eat food that taste like card board??? — MuzikGurl (posted on February 7, 2008)
February 7, 2008
Mary I guess you had the RNY? I had the DS and must eat 100-120 grams a day
of protein and do so without a problem. THere are ready made shakes that
have loads of protein. WHat about tuna? turkey, chicken, beef, pork? can get low sodium versions of these....Protein is meat and
dairy- make a Quik Nestles Sugar Free chocolate milk...there are sooo many
protein ideas .
— SameButDifferent
February 7, 2008
String cheese, dried peas (1/4 cup = 6gr of protein), flavored tortillas
(5-7gr/tortilla), lentil soup, cooked peas (8gr/cup, etc. I place string
cheese (broken into thin strings) on a flavored tortilla, roll it up,
microwave for 30 seconds, and you have a mini cheese tortilla. Go to and there is a chart of the most protein dense foods available.
— Dave Chambers
February 7, 2008
I use tuna. I go to wild oats and get a brand that only has 35gams of
sodium. I also keep string cheese(low sodium ) with me at all times so
that I dont stray for something not healthy for me. I have a emergency bag
that I keep small cans of water packed tuna, flavor packs and water in my
car. For the most part my family eats the same thing I do. By the way I
am 2 years out and have lost 180lbs
— gillis1345
February 7, 2008
i am unfortunatly allergic to them, but nuts are a great snack with
— jhart
February 7, 2008
beef jerky is a great protein idea and almonds
— kaktchr
February 7, 2008
i love hummus and baked pita chips. Cottage cheese, a good protein drink
that you like mixed with skim milk, Slimfast Hi protein snack bars taste
good and are cheap. I also like their Hi Protein meal bars. 190 calories,
only 6 grams of sugar and 15 grams of protein. Makes a great little lunch
on the go..
— deb K.
February 7, 2008
— RCassety
February 7, 2008
Snacking is not a healthy idea. And as far as measuring, you need to
measure to be sure you are getting the nutrition you need. That's just the
way it is. One of the ways I assure myself of getting my protein in is I
have a protein shake for breakfast that's around 30 gms of protein. The
rest I do in food. I'm a full time working mom and always on the go too.
Sounds like you need to get your priorities figured out a little bit, hon.
There are big life changes associated with WLS. For quick solid protein,
you can do sliced ham, and frozen shrimp cooks up in the microwave really
quick. You should be able to afford a little better quality food, because
you will be eating so much less.
— Shirley D.
February 7, 2008
I just found a drink called New Whey liquid protein by IDS
It's 3oz and contains 42 grams of protein!!!
calories 176
fat - 0
Carbs - 2g
Potassium - 31mg
sodium - 31mg
— zoeyriv
February 7, 2008
If you are a snacker, you might be setting your self up for slowed weight
loss. I am a snacker too, but when I get the urge, I find something else
to do which gets my mind of the snacking. The urge soon passes.
For the protein, there is an unflavored protien powder called beneprotein.
You can add this to things like yogurt, applesauce or anything else you
like to eat.
Good luck to you. My RNY is on the 14th.
— Sandra M.
February 7, 2008
As a vegetarian, I was struggling
with my 70-80 grams of protein as well. I found New Whey Liquid Protein by
IDS. 3 oz "shots" that have 42 grams of protein. They are on
the expensive side, but I use them on days that I am low on protein. They
mix great with ice and some crystal light and drink up!! Good Luck!
— sbonner
February 7, 2008
well i'm 9 mo out and personally meat is still a hit or miss with me...i
don't do yogurt or cottage cheese and i'm sick of those fargin protein
shakes so i take spirulina's an algae you can get through
puritans has 65% veggie far so good....
— lizzie42
February 7, 2008
Well honestly every protein shake I have tasted is NASTY!! I am a stay at
home mom also and i need on the go items also. So I drink Slim Fast Low
Carb shakes, they have 25 grams of protein per shake. 3 and your done for
the day and they fill you up and serve as either a meal or snack if you
want. Everyone is different, but it is something you might want to try.
They sell them at Walmart...
— julsann
February 7, 2008
I eat protein bars and have protein shakes. The "muscle milk"
chocolate malt flavor from GNC is fabulous tasting and you make it with
water. The protein bars I eat are "PayDay Pro" and they have 15
grams of protein and taste really yummy.
— butterfly77ckc
February 7, 2008
Mary, according to your profile you haven't yet had your surgery. I'm also
waiting for my surgery, and have learned a lot from my surgeon's
nutritionist. I had to meet with her regularly until I met preop goals and
was cleared for surgery, and I now meet with her every 2 months until then.
She's also been available if I've had any questions, and has been able to
reassure me on more than one occasion! Everyone gave really great
suggestions, but I was told I'll need to eat about every 3 hours to make
sure I get enough protein - they say 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. I think my
best suggestion would be to hook up with a nutritionist that would follow
you both pre- and post-op, and who would be familiar with your surgeon's
protocols. If your surgeon doesn't have his own nutritionist you can call
his office and ask who they would recommend. Good luck, and feel free to
e-mail me if you have any questions or want to chat!
— obeseforever
February 7, 2008
If you did have the surgery you are going to snack at least 5 meals/snack a
day. We eat small and that is what your body needs.
I love salads, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, fruit. Look for what has
healthy protein
Write a journal to see what you are eating and how much it helps and I know
I am 3 yrs out and once I got the hang of it I did great.
Also do crock pot meals make them and eat them during the week. You put it
in and forget about it and then can eat it more then one day.
— tl_morgan
February 8, 2008
Protien Bars, protien shakes, beef jerky.
— Carlyn M.
February 8, 2008
I could not manage getting in enough protein without my 50 Gram Slams (from
GNC). I use infant containers (with the measurements on teh side and a
lid)... divide the 15 oz can into 3 containers and they are ready to go
when I am.
Also try the "lunch on the go" tuna, chicken or shrimp packages
that come with the meat and crackers.
I keep a small lunch bag handy and throw stuff in it whenever I'm going to
be away from the house... crackers and cheese, yogurt, a water bottle and
my protein are my staples.
— gonnadoit
February 8, 2008
There's a protein capsule on the market that has 3.8 grams of protein per
capsule. It's called Capsul-Pro and you can buy it at It won't cause bloating and it doesn't have any
additives. Just protein. You might want to give it a shot...
— jonedwards
February 8, 2008
From your profile, I assume you have not had your surgery yet. After an
RNY you need about 80 Grams of Protien. I like as they have
a lot of flavors and with 8 oz of skim milk you receive 28 Grams of
protein. I also found that Split Pea Soup is very high and a good source.
Most of the other sources I use have been already mentioned. As your
doctor if he provides nutrion classes, as that is how most of us got our
diet requirements. Attend a support group meeting in your area before
surgery. These meeting are a good source of local support and great for
obtaining information to make you sucessful with your WLS.
— William (Bill) wmil
February 8, 2008
I am 3 mths out and drink carnation hot choc. diet it is low sugar and 2
proteins but I mix it with milk instead of water to up the protein in it.
Also if i have trouble getting in the protein one day I have protein slam
vials from GNC it is 3 ozs and has 27 proteins. I still eat yogurt and
pudding-sugar free. I have lost 100 lbs and all my labs have come back
great. Good luck.
— JohnK334
February 8, 2008
I haven't had my surgery yet, but just wanted to say these are all a lot of
great answers! One bit of advice I got was to make the protein drinks with
milk and also add 1/3 c. dry milk to it and that helps to add to the grams
of protein.
— Kim M.
February 8, 2008
Lately I've been hard boiling a bunch of eggs and keeping them in a bowl in
the fridge. I usually just eat the egg whites but sometimes the yolks too
and it's right there the minute I need something fast.
I also enjoy snacking on almonds, hummus with broiled pita, peanut butter
which I especially like spread on apple slices or bananas.
I try to keep the snacks healthy and low calorie and have some protein
value so it's not just empty calories.
— Stacey D.
February 8, 2008
i drink the Matrix 5.0 from the store here on this site. It last over a
month and tastes good to me. I can't eat enough to get the protein I need
either so this works real well for me with the non-fat milk I mix it with
it comes out to about 32 grams of protein.
— jonicorona
February 9, 2008
have you looked into stacker 2 water? It has only 50 or 80 calories and 20
g protein...lower in sodium than many...doesn't taste too bad...i think its
a lil sweet, but it has low sugars....I found them at rite aid drug
— gpcmist
February 11, 2008
Any of these are what I use:
1.) Champion ProScore 100 choco + 8 oz water + ice, blended (hand blender
or Magic Bullet).
2.) Champion Pure Whey Stack choco + 6-8 oz water, shaken.
3.) IDS vanilla-cinnamon + "glop" of DaVinci sugar free caramel
sauce + 8 oz water + ice, blended.
4.) the PWS chco + the van-cin (50/50) in about 10 oz hot water, stirred or
hand blender.
They deliver 30g protein, less than 3g sugar, less than 200 calories, when
made with water.
Lately I've been adding a shake of cinnamon to my hot ones since cinnamon
fights belly fat.
I always put 1 scoop of UpCal D powder in (500mg calcium citrate, 250 IU of
vit D3).
I premeasured 30g of powder into dry water bottles. I always carry water
in the car, so with some dry protein bottles and some water, I can shake up
30g of protein 4 oz water any time.
— vitalady
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