vitamins and choosing the right one

My doctor gave me my iron pill and told me that it might bind me up and instructed me to get something that would help me like a stool softener and left that decision up to me. I choose bene a fiber, has any one else choosen this and if you have when do you take it? I have been taking it has it says on the bottle (3 tablets it doesn't require water with it) and I take it with my iron pill at night which requires 8 ounces of water. Do any of you take your Iron pill at a different time of the day?? My nutritionist had said to take it at night with the stool softener and vitamin c.    — iwilllose (posted on January 10, 2008)

January 10, 2008
I take Benefiber caplets. I dont need iron. And as far as the stool softner goes, I am suprised you need one.
   — MCraig3

January 10, 2008
Hi Chris, I take benefiber too 3 times a day and I take my iron pill in the afternoon. What important thing you need to do is up your water intake it will help you stay regular and make sure to not take your iron pill when you take the calcium med because it will counter act the calcium. If you still require a stool softner you can get regular stool softners over the counter cvs walmart brand or try colace. Good luck and take care
   — Cira S.

January 10, 2008
Hi Chris, I take benefiber too 3 times a day and I take my iron pill in the afternoon. What important thing you need to do is up your water intake it will help you stay regular and make sure to not take your iron pill when you take the calcium med because it will counter act the calcium. If you still require a stool softner you can get regular stool softners over the counter cvs walmart brand or try colace. Good luck and take care
   — Cira S.

January 10, 2008
Take your iron any time of the day EXCEPT with your calcium citrate. The iron will bond with the calcium, and you won't get the proper result from the iron. Stool softeners are a daily regimine for me too. I also take a liquid vitamin daily, as I hate taking several pills twice daily.
   — Dave Chambers

January 10, 2008
Please DON'T take your iron pill with your calcium!!!!! NO! I don't have a problem with being constipated, but one never knows if I will develop one or not. I usually drink at LEAST 88 ounces of water each day or more if I drink protein drinks or crystal light etc. Good luck, God bless!
   — crystalsno

January 10, 2008
Hey Chris I am a nutrtionist and I take 1 Iron pill every morning with 1800mg of Vitamin C and I have no need for a stool softener... I also take it with a glass of OJ and the rest of my vitamins.. I prefer to take the Iron in the AM... well good luck... ELisa
   — Elisa S.

January 11, 2008
Fiber falls into the category of bulk forming laxatives (if you are taking it for laxative effect rather than fiber supplementation). It gets mixed in with your stools and swells. This is supposed to soften the stool and make it easier to pass. Metamucil, Citrucel, and Fiberco fit into this category. Eating more fiber is great for anyone whether a laxative is needed or not. Stool softners fall into the category of emollient laxatives. Emollient laxatives work by adding moisture to stool and preventing it from hardening. Ducosate is one of the most common over the counter stool softners.... sold under the name Colace or Surftak. Stool softeners are primarily used to prevent constipation rather than treating it when it happens. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

January 11, 2008
I just had my RNY 12/14/07 and I take an iron supplement daily, but I don't use a stool softener. I do mix a bottle of water 1/2 and 1/2 with apple juice, usually every other day. I also make sure to get plenty of liquids in too. So far, no problems with constipation. I take my vitamins before breakfast, and wait until after lunch to take my iron pill.
   — KatFord

January 11, 2008
Iron is always taken with vit C, never with dairy, caffeine, eggs or whole grains OR any other vites, minerals or meds. Alone together for at least one hr (2 hours for intact ppl). Calcium really likes those resting bones, so if you can, calcium at night. Iron + C any other time that you are not eating or drinking something in the unfriendly list. I do a calcium group first, never take any pills on an empty pouch. Then about an hour later, I do my iron with C with a few bites of fruit. Iron likes acid, so even 2-3 slices of apple will do the job, as far as protecting my pouch from any pills (and I use Tender Iron), and giving it a little "good" acid. Then as the day proceeds, take my other calcium groups. I also use magnesium oxide (just a pill, cheap, found anywhere) to offset the "rocks" that can result from our WLS, let alone some irons. Tender Iron doesn't cause me any tummy or bowel issues, but I already had serious, serious constipation issues. I don't use insoluble fiber, cuz it expands in my pouch. When I'v used fiber, it was soluble, and I used Liquafiber. But that wasn't really my bowel issue. The mag ox did the trick.
   — vitalady

January 11, 2008
I'm almost two years out and I think that iron pills and stool softeners will be needed every day for the rest of my life. I put one scoop of either Benefiber or Fibersure in my protein drink every morning. I currently take one iron pill at night, but based on my last set of labs have been told to add another one during the afternoon (iron glycinate, which I am waiting to receive from an online vendor.) If you do find that you will need to take a stool softener for an extended period of time, buy them from Costco if you can. They sell a double-pack of 200 softgels (400 total) for under $4.00... a lot cheaper than I've found them anywhere else. If there's a Costco near you but you don't have a membership (or know someone who does,) get the membership and use it for a month or so, then cancel. You will get your full membership fee back.
   — packrat

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