When did YOU start exercising after surgery?
I'm 2.5 weeks post-op, and am planning on starting an exercise program soon. I've been walking a little each day, but nothing like I want to be. My energy is coming back and I'm looking forward to doing my program. I'd like to begin lifting weights, and doing other strengthening exercises, but will wait on those til I can talk to my surgeon at my next appointment in just over a week. So, when did YOU begin exercising and/or lifting weights post-op? — Ginger V. (posted on May 26, 2006)
May 26, 2006
I started working out about 6 weks post op. I am now 4 Months post op and
work out 3 days a week for 2 hours each time. This included 1 Hour of
Weight lifting and 1 Hour of cardio including abdominal workout. I am
benching about 175Ilbs Now, without any trouble. I drink a Isopure drink
with 40 grams of whey protein only on the days I work out as to not lose
Muscle from lack of food.
— MikeL
May 26, 2006
My doctor requires his patients to walk 2 miles a day pre-op. Doesn't
matter how long it takes, just do it. Then he practically has us walk from
the o.r. to recovery (LOL). Then we walk in the surgery center, and get
back to our two miles as soon as possible. I walked and swam (as soon as my
open incision was healed) for about the first year. I didn't want to join a
gym until I had lost about 160 pounds and felt comfortable in that
environment. Best advice is to go with your doctor's instructions, and
welcome to the losing side.
— LisaHillsinger
May 26, 2006
I started walking about a mile 2 days after I got home from my lap RNY at
age 47, and kept increasing it. Started into weights about 4 weeks later.
— koogy
May 26, 2006
Whoa! Slow down! It's wonderful that you want to get exercising, but take
it easy on the weight lifting. My doctor forbids us from lifting more than
ten pounds for the first six weeks, maybe longer. I know that if I tried
to pick up anything even close to that, I felt really awful pulling and
pain. Check with your surgeon before you do anything, and please don't
hurt yourself! You really don't want to do that "no pain, no
gain" thing right now. Relax, you're about to become a big loser, so
enjoy! (P.S. -- can I borrow a little bit of your ambition? I've been a
marshmallow way too long!) -- Mary
— mwilson523
May 26, 2006
I had surgery on May 03... I started exercising a week after surgery! I use
exercise DVD's. I like "Walk Away the Pounds". I can go at my own
speed. I also found that exercising helped with my after surgery pain.
— KarenDykes
May 26, 2006
I asked my surgeon when I could start working out on my Blowflex again and
he told me I could after 2 weeks post-op. I asked him again on my first
post-op visit just 10 days out and he again said at 2 weeks. I was feeling
great the second week out and rode my bicycle (all on flat land in my
subdivision). The next day my main Lap scar (just under my ribs on the left
side) starting burning when I moved into certain positions. That was
earlier this week and now it really hurts like it did right after I got
home when I sneeze or bend over. I'm afraid I tore it internally or
something. I really want to start working out again but I think it's way
too soon. I keep reading everyone else says to wait at least 6 weeks so I'm
going to wait.
— Rick Bedard
May 26, 2006
I started walking while in the hospital after surgery. it was a
requirement before being allowed to go home. I then continued due to the
fact the doctor advised would help with the healing process and it did. I
didn't have much energy but continued so that I would not lose muscle mass.
At my 3 month check up the doctor cleared me for using weights and to
start out slow and low weight. The doctor advised to keep the weight low
and to be aware of the incision when doing abdominal work. I have
increased my weights and repetitions 3-4 days a week and do an hour of the
elliptical machine 5-6 times a week. I am 9 months out and have lost 100
lbs. I have toned up considerably but am still going to require plastics
for some areas. My advise is to go slow and you will get there when your
body is ready.
— 1968 Loser
May 27, 2006
I was walking at 2 weeks PO. I was cleared to start lifting weights at my 3
month appointment. You will need to touch base with your doctor about the
— ChristineB
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