Protien Shakes and supplements and vitamins? sorry about that!

I was wondering if any of you post ops out there could give suggentions on protien shakes and supplements i.e. which do you find you tolerate best, which taste best, also I've heard of an unflavored protien powder that you can add to your food. Where can you purchase these items without killing your pocket book? also any suggestion's on which vitamin supplements you use, I'm thinking I would like a liquid b-12 and any other liquid viatmins they offer out there. Any help you give is greatly appreciated. Thank You very much!    — HAILEY (posted on March 6, 2006)

March 6, 2006
Well, I like Walmart's Body Fortress protein powder-it comes in vanilla and chocolate-and I think it's really good. I usually mix the vanilla with some crystal light-ice-and frozen strawberries. The chocolate is good with milk, ice and maybe a banana. I"ve not tried the unflavored because I'm only to have one a day anyway. I try to get the rest of my protein from food. If I'm having a bad food day then I just have another one. As far as vitamins go-I get the kiddie ones at Aldis-b12-the Dr. gives me shots and I take a sublingual b12 daily. I use Tums for calcium, take an iron pill and a vitamin C pill-also two stool softeners and 4 acid reducers daily. When I first had surgery-I used a pill crusher-but now I don't need to do that anymore.
   — janh

March 6, 2006
Hi, Hailey I order Nectar from store they have different flavors to choice from in sample packs. It's better to order sample packs to see what you like. Also, you can go to your doctor office and get B-12 shots every 30 days. My insurance cover it and they don't even charge me a copy pay. I hope this helped, have a great day.
   — Charmaine C.

March 6, 2006
I like the unflavored Gold Label powder you get a GNC. If you join their club you can get 10% off the first 7 days of the month. i also got a vitamin spray the last time I went to my weight loss reunion I think it is called vitamist.
   — rollergirl41

March 6, 2006
Nitro-tech from GNC in strawberry. It not only doesn't taste like horse poo, it's actually kinda good. Just be careful if you make it in a blender......loads of air/bubbles = no fun for you.
   — RebeccaP

March 6, 2006
I had to try a lot of protein powders before I found one that I liked. Right now I am drinking Nectar Cappucino that I got from For an unflavored protein to put in things, I use Unjury and I have mixed it with Oatmeal.
   — Kathleen L.

March 6, 2006
For protein shakes I drink Carnation Instant Breakfast (sugar free) and I add a plain whey protein that I buy at GNC. If you can not drink protein shakes GNC also sales a protein water called Isopure it comes in 6 different flavors. Remember that protein needs to be really cold. I take childrens flintstones vitamins and get a B-12 shot once a month.
   — 2bskinny

March 6, 2006
I like for protein shakes. They have chocolate, strawberry sorbet, vanilla, and unflavored. They sell sample if you want to try them. I also bought the book WLS for Dummies at a discounted price when I ordered the protein. Also you can but sublingual B12 at WalMart.
   — HeidiXOXO

March 6, 2006
I like SportPharma whey protein available at Costco (chocolate flavor). I mix it with skim milk - tastes just like chocolate milk to me. It's not thick or overly sweet - just right. Obviously you can vary the amount of mix to milk to suit your own taste. I'm very happy with it.
   — blues-singer

March 6, 2006
Hey there the best protien in the world is called liquid protien at GNC I mix 1/4 cup with orange crystal light in a water bottle and it is great flavored. Try it...
   — NYCindy

March 7, 2006
I have tried many different brands of protein and the best tasting I have found to date it Atkins has 18 to 21 g of protein in it, Taste almost like a milk shake and has only 1g of sugar! Multivitamin/Supplement - Complete 50+ sold at K-Mart (Adult).... B-12 500mcg (Sublingual) from Wal-mart... 2 stool softener w/stimulant laxative - brand (equate) again from Wal-Mart... 2 Calcium w/vitamin D 600mg each - brand (Spring Valley) - yep, Wal-mart...... 2 vitamin C daily - 1000mg each same brand - and I bet you couldn't guess from where! I also take a natural herb called Echinacea - (Why) because it is naturally supports a persons immune system - suggested use is on the bottle.... I take 2 everyday. (Same brand)... Seeing I am once again weight training and my Uncle Author is usually a rotten (SOB) I have to take a pain pill every now and then to keep him under control..... Robert - [email protected]
   — RobertMiller

March 7, 2006
Hailey, I think best protein shake on the market is Nectar. I drink the Fuzzy Navel and it tastes just like orange juice in the mornings. It has 26 grams of protein and tastes great. One of the best vitamins, according to my Dietician, is OptiSource from WalGreens, 2 chewables in the morning and 2 in the evening and you're in great shape. Good Luck!
   — cstout1217

March 7, 2006
Most everyone likes to go to gnc as they run specials on their protein powders. I found a pudding that is very good and you can order it on line or get it at the gnc. At GNC it costs you 8.99 for 4 small puddings. However, they are significantly less online in a large amount. I would perchase the pudding first from the store and than I would order them if you like them. They are a product from the Sylvester Stylone company, Intone. They have a chocolate, banana, lemon and a vanilla flavor. Some of the GNC stores will alow you to taste products before you buy them. I purchased some protein powder from Wal Mart at a great price thinking that the taste couldn't be to bad at that great price. I had to through the whole thing out as it was awful. Just a little hint here. The cheapest and tastiest way to add protein in your diet is to add powdered milk to everything. A little sprinkle of powdered milk goes a long way and it is cheap. As for the vitamins Walmart makes a sugar free chewable with iron vitamin that is good and they also make a B12 that is sublingual (under the tongue). Both are at reasonable prices.
   — vickicarson

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