Getting frustrated and need to vent, asking for any advice you have got...

I had RNY on Nov 14. Lost 33 lbs first month. At 5 weeks went to soft food phase, lost 5 more lbs. I do strength training and cardio 5 days a week. I follow my food plan weight loss for last 3 weeks has stopped. I have hit a weight that I maintained for several years and have not been able to get past it. I keep a food dairy and daily records on the dont see what I am doing wrong......except possibly not eating my 3 small meals at the exact same times every day....but come on... that cant be keeping me from losing can it? Whats so frustrating and now getting a little stressful for me is that i always hear that the first few months is when you drop the most weight, melts off like butter.........and ive just wasted almost a month with no weight loss.....I am venting and asking for some experienced advice. I want to keep positive, my health has improved greatly and I have lots of energy these days! I dont get to my NUT until this thursday to get her input, so I'm here asking my supportive friends......thank you for listening and sharing!!!    — Kathy-R (posted on January 7, 2008)

January 6, 2008
Hello I think RNY is the same thing as Gastric bypass. Am I right? lol Anyways I had Gastric bypass Sept 04, 07 and I did the same thing. In fact I lost 20lb right off and then nothing. Maybe a pound or two a week some times nothing at all. Your body is in shock. It thinks if you don't loose you will feed it. Once your body sees that your not going to feed it it will start the weight loss again. You will loss then stop then loss then stop. I cryed because I went 5 weeks with no weight loss in fact it said I had gain 3lb, but it was because my stool was backed up. Just keep doing what your doing and you will start lossing again. I never eat 3 meals I eat maybe one, right now I am not eating due to an ulser. Drink your protien shakes at least 2 a day and you will start lossing again. Take care and I hope I helped a little :)
   — aluvzu2

January 6, 2008
relax it will be fine! whens the last time you lost 33 pounds in a month? Our bodies need time to catch up, and do tend to stall at previous weights we spent lots of time at. This too shall pass! Know while were not losing pounds, were losing inches. Start to measure and record weekly. We all stall out occasionally. Just keep up the good work and take a look at my profiles weight diary, see I stalled too, but not only got to goal but ended up a little underweight. Best wishes!!
   — bob-haller

January 6, 2008
Relax, same thing happened to me at 3 months out. I only lost like 10 lbs how devastating! I was doing tae bo every night and didn't realize I was building lean muscle and shrinking in inches! Change up your strength training and cardio. Do different things and maybe break up the days instead of doing them all together if that's what you're doing. Shocking your body this way helps get you "kick started" again. Don't despair it WILL come off! I went to my 9 month post op this past Friday and told my assistant surgeon I was upset that it looks like I'm only averaging about 10 lbs gone each month. She told me I was being anal retentive. LOL...I agreed with her, but dang it I want it off faster, but know that I can only do so much. Just makes me want to try harder! Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

January 6, 2008
You didn't not state your starting weight. People who weigh a lot, loose weight faster. I would imagine you probably had 100 pounds or more to loose, as most patients of RNY. Weight plateaus will happen, but generally not as early as you describe. Another possiblity, is that with our exercise regimine, some of your fat is turning into muscle. This can happen more easily if you're younger in age. Check with your surgeon's office, who should be following your weight loss closely for the first 6 months past surgery. Maybe you don't drink enough water, or there is something else happening. You should be getting blood tests to check to make sure your vitamins, protein, and hydration are OK too.
   — Dave Chambers

January 7, 2008
1. it's normal to plateau. 2. if you are doing the same thing (exercise) and eating the same thing everyday - your body can get used to it - mix it up; both exercise and food. 3. are you getting enough calories to burn and lose weight? A lot of people do not eat enough, work their butts off and see no return. Because you are starving and not taking on enough calories for your body to do anything. 4. hydration...R U hydrated? Drinking a minimum of a liter of a day is important. i would take all of your journals to your NUT (I did the same thing) and she can evaluate and make suggestions that are specific to you. Just giving my opinion above....Good luck!
   — jammerz

January 7, 2008
Our bodies are both amazing and a little quirky. You have hit a plateau, and I can bet that while your scale may say you are losing are probably losing inches somewhere. Also, when we hit a weight that our body remembers us being at for a period of time, we also tend to stay there awhile. It will come off. Keep doing what you are doing. The body will let go off the excess at the right rate for you. I hit a 4 week plateau, and thankfully I had this board to resource. We are all so used to failing, that I had those thoughts. But after a week of up a pound down a pound...staying pretty much the same, I got on the scale this morning and lost 5. Go figure! Big hugs to you!! God bless....
   — Lisa S.

January 7, 2008
I under stand how you feel. but you should be happy . you lostt 33 lb in 1 month. wow congratulation. i still envy you. its been 11 months for me and i only lost 50 bl. i havent lost anything in 2 months. i even went 3 monht without loosing any weight at all, then i lost a couple of pounds here in there. im frustrated , especialy when i heare every one else is loosing fast , and loosing what i did in 11 months they did in 3 months.
   — yvettetas

January 7, 2008
I just bet you are losing, INCHES! Sounds like the work outs are what may be doing this. You are gaining muscle, that's a good thing! Change from weighing yourself to measuring also, I just know you will see the difference there! Good Work and Good Luck! P.S. I hit my plateau at 9 months and that is SCARY! I thought I was DONE losing. For 2 rotten months..... I mixed things up alittle bit and am back on track! You will be too!
   — Toni Todd

January 7, 2008
Hi Kathy, I understand your frustration. Even with the RNY I lost only about 1 to 2 pounds per week, no great weight losses after the first month. I walked 5 miles a day and drank water and ate protein. This showed me personally that I needed the malabsorptive quality of the RNY to lose the weight. I kept up with my program and worked hard for over a year and took off the weight. You have to take one day at a time, and be thankful for every pound. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Your body will fight back though, and it just takes time and faithfulness to break through the places our bodies want to stop. It is not all science that will take off the weight. Our minds and our bodies have to be reconditioned, and it can take months of faithfulness to eating right and exercise and lots of water. Bump up the water if you can, and keep a steady pace forward. You will break through in time. You also can consider changing your routine. If you strength train too much you will also not lose too much weight. If you saw the biggest loser program recently where one of the girls had lost the most fat but not the most weight because of her strength training, she had gained muscle which masked the weight loss. A bitter sweet victory. Numbers are not the only victory in our health. Patience, attitude and faithfulness will help you a lot. Keep up the good work. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 8, 2008
Kathy I did the samething, just be patient it will come off. I've lost 110 lbs in 9 months and it was just a couple of pounds a week after the big loss the first month and a half. Just remember our bodies responsed differently even though we might have had the same surgery. I still do at least 1 protien drink a day, because I can't get enough protien from food. But check with you NUT to see what they suggest for you before you make any extreme changes in your diet. Good luck Joni
   — jonicorona

January 8, 2008
Remember that muscle weights more thar fat tissue, so, even if you have apparently gained some weight, you have in fact lost fat and gained in muscle. In a short time you will loose more weight. You`re doing great. Go on
   — MargaritaRM

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