Strategies to stop emotional eating; aromatherapy as tool

My preop psychiatrist asked me to get support from successful post op folks about strategies they used to combat emotional desires to eat. He also is interested to know if anyone has used aromatherapy as a tool to stop food cravings. He believes there will be lots of successful research in the next 5 years around it. Anyone have some ideas about either of these? Thanks for being here!!! Lorie in Seattle    — Lorie M. (posted on February 2, 1999)

April 3, 1999
I don't have an answer for you, but I'm a certified aromatherapist and I am also morbidly obese. As far as I can recall, there were not lessons on essential oils for obesity. I do have a lot of books though, and I will see if I can find out anything.
   — Peggy51

April 20, 1999
I'm sorry to say that, after looking through my aromatherapy books, I have not found one essential oil recommended for appetite suppression or weight loss. I've consulted several sources. There are many oils recommended as mood elevators, and anti depressants, but nothing for weight control. Perhaps the research will be available soon. Sorry I couldn't help.
   — Peggy51

August 27, 1999
Hello! I am new to aromatherapy and just checked my computer program that lists all oils and their uses. The following oils were listed under "appetite suppressant": Caraway Cardamom Sweet Fennel Hope this helps!
   — Winnifred B.

October 4, 1999
HI, this may help, you may wish to look up metaphysical books. There are books written by many authors, Scott Cunningham, come to mind who happen to be Wiccan and have researched themselves essential oils and their uses. (Essential oils, incenses, herbal uses are all very important in Wicca and we tend to research these subjects in depth) Good luck!
   — Tammy F.

October 4, 1999
Okay... so this isn't an answer... but this interests me LOTS!! I have always thought that more natural stuff was great... but what do I need to burn these oils and where can I find the ones that work? I am scheduled for surgery October 14th... and I would love to have this kind of stuff waiting at for me when I get back home... I get the urge for "cravings" worse when I am at home alone and bored... I would appreciate any kind of suggestions anyone wants to send my way!! Thanks!! :-)
   — Jamie T.

October 7, 1999
Hi Jamie, in respone to your question, if you want to burn essential oils you need a burner. This can be a simple metal ring which you pour oil into and then place on a light bulb that's turned on (less than 75 watts) or it could be a real oil burner. This is a burner with a space for a tea candle underneath the bowl you put the oil into. The flame from the candle heats the bowl evaporating the oil. This way works best if you fill the bowl with some water and add a few drops of oil to the water, rather than straight oil. You can buy these burners at any Body Shop, bath store, or new age store. Research online first what oils to use for weight loss. If you look up different Wiccan and metaphysical sites they will have the information, it might be a combination of a couple of different oils, which may be why people are having trouble finding what they are looking for. Good Luck on your surgery!!!
   — Tammy F.

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