losing more weight after 7 yrs

I had a VBG (Stapling) in 2002 . Stayed in hospital 4 weeks 1st time and gained 13 more pounds bringing it to 313 . I finally started losing weight except for the last 50 lbs. I fluctuate between 208 and 215 maintaining all these yrs. Does anyone know what I can do to jump start the weight loss again without having a revision. I have tried everything. I really dont eat alot for meals but i do graze. Also how many calories and protein should I eat to lose?    — cubarica2003 (posted on June 18, 2009)

June 19, 2009
You need to figure out six mini meals a day so you can eat all day long and not hurt yourself. Cut out the bread, rice, pasta, pototoes. Go with meat, beans, veg, fruit and dairy only. this should help drop the rest of the weight.
   — trible

June 19, 2009
Along with what Lis said, don't forget to drink your water.
   — Kathleen W.

June 19, 2009
I had RNY 5.4 years ago...and most of us long term GB WLS people will tell you it's HARD to lose weight again after all this time...It's just plain hard! But not imposssible.. I had a rapid 10 pound gain a few years ago and had to REALLY diet and put a lot of work into losing that weight! WOW! (But I was also anemia and had to limit exercise, so that was NO help at all) But starting a food journal ws the most crucial part of being ion control of my weight again and going on to lose those 10 lbs...It took me 4 months! LOL (Little exercise until I got myu anemia and vit defs under control) I was stunned at how many hidden calories we can eat! I was eating some 2000+ or - calories at the at that time and most was in little things like coffee creamer, full fat dairy, butter, condiments, etc! A pound is 3500 calories...So to lose a pound a week you must cut 500 calories a day...and I found that fairly easy to do with the aid of a journal...Fish is the leanest meat, so I ate fish 3 times a week and limited red meats...I got an oil mister(spray bottle) and use just a spritz of olive oil to fry veggies and eggs and I use a FRACTION of oil compared to a few tablespoons at 100 cals a tablespoon! I cut out all simple carbs and made sure all my breads were whole grains and complex carbs...I personally do not mind my carb count. I eat both protein and complex carbs equally to maintain my weight...But to drop weight I cut back whereever I can and there is only so much fat you can cut out before you need to sacrifice carbs! LOL lose weight I aimed for 100 gs of protein, 70 g complex carbs(for maintaining I eat about 130 g carbs and make sure I get in good fiber counts (30-40 gs fiber) to offset the carbs numbers) about 30 g fat and 30-40 gs fiber for 1400 ish calories...Then I kicked up the exercise...even if it was taking a short brisk walk after dinner...or swimming an extra hour at the pool... mowing the lawn for hubby...ANYTHING extra that doesn't involve the gym...I hate the gym! But that's definately an option for those that don't mind it! It's not for me though and I refuse to use my gym phobia as an excuse why I cannot exercise! LOL There really is NO good excuse...Even "no-time" or "too busy"...I don't sell it and I don't buy it! LOL I am BUSY! But I MAKE TIME and make my exercise fit my my active life and be useful to my day as well...LIKE mowing the lawn or raking leaves, gardening etc... That's some good exercise that uses all your muscles in your body! You can do this...Try to eat on a schedule as well and spread out your grazing to 3 hours snacks instead of continual munching...(easier said than done) I'm a night muncher myself...but I worked my munching into my calories and plan my snack attacks! Because I cannot avoid them to save my own life! SO I totally understand! No food 2 hours before bed is my ultimate rule...I will go to bed hungry before I eat right before bed! So set limits without making them so insane taht you cannot do it...cut back gradually and you will lose gradually, but it's better than not at all! You can do it! Go to and click on The Daily Plate to start an online journal and start by loggin in all the food you put in your mouth! You will soon learn where you can afford to cut back and what fods you can eat just as much only leaner to cut calories without cutting the amount you eat and still feel totally satisfied! I should probably join you! LOL I'm about 3 lbs heavy right now and it's got to go! LOL Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

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