Cool Whip Free is South Beach Diet recommended, but will eating it slow weight loss?

I'm more than one month post-op and until recently have not had any cravings for sweets. Now I'm getting cravings again and bought some Cool Whip Free the other day. It has no fat and 1 g sugar, so I thought it would be ok. But I don't want to tell myself it's an "safe" option if it will slow down or stop my weight loss. Any help is much appreciated!    — Jean_H (posted on September 5, 2007)

September 5, 2007
I use it, it's fine, don't have more than a few tablespoons. I like to add it to pudding. You are experiencing head hunger not cravings. Cravings don't return for a long long time. There are some recipes with cool whip for bariatric patients using cottage cheese and pudding powders.
   — Sheri A.

September 5, 2007
I trick my mind by doing 2 things, I eat Instone high protein pudding, it comes in Banana cream, Vanilla, or chocolate, it has 20 gms of protein, 100 calories. The other thing that I do is add sugar free liquid coffee syrup in my protein drinks such as kahlua flavor, hazelnut, etc... they come in all sorts of flavors, is an example of a website that sells different sugar free flavors. I wish you the very best, you can do it! Michael
   — Michael H.

September 6, 2007
They have sugar free cool whip and it is great.Low cal,and no fat.
   — Sandy Hanson

September 6, 2007
The interesting thing about SF coolwhip is that it is sugar free for the serving size the suggest (what 1-2 tbsps?) but the first ingredients it high fructose corn syrup.. its misleading. Any more than the "serving suggestion" will provide you sugar.. I hate that they can label this stuff "sugar free". Also I can't believe its not butter spray and Pam cooking spray.. yes it is fat free if you stick with the serving suggestion which is a small amount.. any more you are adding fat. I know I was upset when I learned this also! Marketing stuff can suck sometimes! Good to be educated though!
   — MelissaF

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