can so one tell me how to quit grazing

i dont know what is going on i graze at night so bad it is not funny i try to feel up on protein but protein does not feel me up why?? can some one please help me out i would love it if you could but i have lost over 112pds. and would like to get down to 140pd.i am 164pd.right now 19months out so please can you helppppppppp    — nancy A. (posted on January 10, 2005)

January 10, 2005
The plain and simple answer to this question is really not a pretty one. You just have to put your mind to it and stop. It sounds so simple but can be so very hard. I'd suggest a protein supplement that you prepare in a blender that is high quality whey protein - maybe add a small piece of fruit to it. The blender will froth is up a bit so it takes up more space in your pouch and a little fruit can add flavor and texture. At 19 months post op you are having your wake up call. You are now basically normal in that you will have to diligently watch everything that goes in your mouth. You'll have to make a concerted effort to use your tool. It's no longer an automatic that you'll just keep losing weight. For many it's a struggle, including me, but for EVERYONE it's a lifelong effort. You can do it! I know you can!!! Best wishes to you.
   — ronascott

January 10, 2005
My answer may sound too simplistic, but at 18 months out, I know it works for me. When you get that urge to grab something, stop and ask yourself, "Am I hungry? Do I *need* that or just *want* it? Will I starve to death overnight if I don't have it? Will it still be here tomorrow if I decide I must have it? Can I wait?" Sometimes I actually ask OUT LOUD. LOL. It does work if you are feeling head hunger. Physical hunger is another matter. Peanut butter *always* takes care of hunger pangs for me. :) Good luck.
   — Jeanie

January 10, 2005
I agree with Rona. Also you could try water loading. Best wishes to you...Lisa C from CT

January 10, 2005
Other than the excellent suggestions already posted - I can only add - get out of the house in the evenings, if that's the time you want to graze! I know not everyone can do this. I just started a belly dancing class (I'm almost 49) and it was soooo much fun! I also workout in the evenings 3 times a week. I walk our big dog almost every night, too. Even though I am only out of the house 2 hours or less, I feel so good when I get home, food is one of the last things I think about! (I work outside the home full time, and still have plenty of laundry and housework to do when I am home!) Find something to do, even if it's borrowing exercise videos from the local library or finding some class to take. It will do wonders for breaking the grazing habit and for your spirits. (After all, grazing seems to stem mostly from boredom.)
   — koogy

January 10, 2005
I'm a grazer too! and I'm not as far out as you. The thing that works best for me is to write out a meal/beverage plan at the beginning of every week. I include times I will eat/drink and what I will eat/drink. I break my meals into 5 a day so I'm not going that long with out eating. Two of the 'meals' are more like snacks...but it keeps me from grabbing snacks all day long. Sometimes, if I'm not hungry, I'll skip two of the meals. If I'm pmsing though...the whole plan goes out the window. So I make sure to have protein snacks on hand. Soy beans, Soy nuts, jerky, string cheese, etc. Good luck to us! Rachel
   — Rachelq

January 10, 2005
Excellent suggestions here. I've never been a grazer but I find myself wanting to eat something around 8:30 to 9:00 every night so I just make sure it's protein. Like the other poster, a spoonful of peanut butter usually works. I just get a soup spoon (the one that is half way between a teaspoona and a tablespoon), scoop up the peanut butter, then sit down and SLOWLY lick it off the spoon. If that doesn't work, I know it's head hunger and not real hunger and I try to stop and ask myself why I'm wanting to eat. Doesn't always work but usually does. I also have started having a protein drink every evening and then I get busy doing something I enjoy and I usualy forget about wanting to eat. I think it's a matter of finding out what works for us as individuals. I'd say try some of these suggestions for a couple of weeks and if one doesn't work, go on to the next. Good luck to you in finding what works for you!
   — scbabe

January 10, 2005
I drink liquids like crazy - so much water, propel, hot tea, coffee, etc. And I stay super-busy. Having two jobs and volunteering keeps my butt off the couch! LOL
   — kultgirl

January 11, 2005
Cut out bad carbs - eat whole wheat products, graze on nuts, peanut butter, grilled chicken or beef, stay away from processed foods and try relaxation --deep breathing visualization. I am a grazer and if I snacks like chips etc I have big problems. Best wishes to you and get plenty of cardo exercize.
   — debmi

January 11, 2005
Graze is my middle name. If you ever see one of those California Cow commercials, I am in the background. Seriously, I have always been a boredom and stress eater. When I first had the surgery, it seemed I was never going to be like that again. Little did I know two years later I would not only stop dumping (at least as much), but also would digest so quickly that I could non-stop graze! Ugh! So now I try to pack as many low cal treats as I can every day for work. Snap peas, chocolate graham crackers (for the sweet tooth), baby carrots (already peeled), bean sprouts, low fat crackers, beef get the idea. I also track my calories on fitday to make sure I am not going too wild! I bought an apple slicer/corer from Pampered Chef and treated myself to terrific Gala apples from a fresh farm stand and ate those like crazy when they were in season. Hope this helps! You are doing great, keep it up.
   — missmollyk

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