recipe for pistachio pudding shake from my nutrionalist...
calls for 1 cup skim milk 1/3 cup nonfat dry milk 2 T instant sugar free pistachio pudding mix the question is can I sub the pistachio for sugar free bananna pudding mix. Also do I drink two of these over the hour since one serving is only 16 grams protein? Isn't that a lot to be drinking? — chartorr (posted on January 13, 2009)
January 13, 2009
I haven't tried this before. It really sounds good. I think I might try
it in Chocolate. I wouldn't think it would matter as long as the nutrients
are the same.
My stomach would not hold two of these drinks over one hour. I don't know
what your stomach will hold.
Thanks for the recipe.
— pennyandcj
January 13, 2009
I use the puddings for dessert...all the flavors...not as a shake
though.... I can only eat a half cup at 5 years post op! Too much sf
stuff kills my pouch like real sugar if not worse...I cannot handle fake
sweeteners and sugar alcohols personally...I do mix pudding into ricotta
cheese and some soy or lactose free milk or cottage cheese that is whipped
smooth in the food processor for a nice high protein pudding snack...There
are so many other flavors too...You can even blend some SF or lite whipped
topping or even yogurt for more fluff and creaminess! Okay...I need to make
some now! Thanks! LOL Once cup is only 8 ounces! That's not too much...
Try a half recipe if you want with half a cup milk, a sprinkle of the dry
milk(or protein powder even) and 1 T pudding...That's all!
— .Anita R.
January 13, 2009
Great answers from the other folks. However, do not stretch your eating to
1 hour: that could be considered grazing, which is a bad. Separate the
meals into separate meals, such as 5 to 6 meals per day. With 1/2 hour
before each meal with no liquid, and 1/2 hour more or less following a
meal, you will quickly see that you will be able to get in your protein,
but it won't all be at one meal stretched over an hour. I hope what I
wrote makes sense. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, Life Coach in
training and WLS Support Group Leader
— Christine Gibson
January 14, 2009
After I read this...I actaully went and made some pistachio fluff with
whipped cottage cheese and soy milk and a container of cool whip free...I
just wanted to warn anyone new post ops trying this..that the pistachio has
actual nut pieces that could get stuck...So just be careful to
"chew" your drink or use a different SF pudding flavor!
— .Anita R.
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