Help!! I need some support!!

I am 6 wks post op RNY and before today, had lost 29lbs. I weighed this morning and I had gained 1 1/2 lbs! I have been getting in my protein (50-60g/day), drinking my water (could stand a little more of that) and exercising (I go to a ladies fitness center with weight machines 3x/wk and walk on my treadmill 3 days/wk). I have been good to not "cheat", haven't had any kind of soda for 2 + months for sugar for that long either. I guess I just need to hear if there are people that have gone through this too. I think I have a mental block, due to my previous diet history. In the past I would loose to a certain point and then stop. I'm afraid that that will happen with this. Thanks in advance for any support you can give. I don't want you to think I'm throwing in the towel, I'm not, just a little frustrated!! :)    — pkwhite64 (posted on April 21, 2008)

April 21, 2008
Oh I get where you are!! You know, if it's a flucuation of about 1-3 lbs within a couple days it's probably a) water retention (is your period coming?) or b) constipation. It will pass. Just keep doing what you are doing. You won't fail, because you seem to really want to succeed. There are plateaus that are nutty....but ignore the scale ( very hard...I know). Just know you are going to be fine. God bless!
   — Lisa S.

April 21, 2008
you are doing great!!!!!!!! it happens to everyone, just hang in there and stay off the scales!!! i did the same thing and it will drive you crazy. you will be amazed at how fast the wt drops. you need to realize that with you working out soo much you are also building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so you may see a little gain on the scales, but you will see you continue to loose inches. keep up the great work...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

April 21, 2008
You are actually doing really weel at 29 pounds in only a month and a half but I know what you feel like. I have found that this pattern of weight loss is filled with stalls and sudden drops. You might want to up your protein, especially with the consistant exercise you are doing. And getting in all your water is another biggie. Try not to let the daily scale get to your head. I don't really know anybody who has had an even, steady loss. I just think about an average of 10 pounds a month, which you are way ahead of at the moment. Loss continues over 18 months. Check this out - it is an expected weight loss planner. At first I thought it was pretty conservative but it actually is not to bad. You are right on track. Don't compare anything to your previous life. You are not that person anymore!
   — jannmyers

April 21, 2008
29 lbs. is great...also there is natural weight flucuation due to fluid retention, etc, as well as the dreaded plateaus. Other than these things I'd pay attention to how many calories you're taking in. You said you're getting your protein in (great!) but I suppose it's possible to eat so much protein that the extra calories are going to hinder your weight loss. You didn't say anything about carbs....these need to be in very small quantities. Good luck. I think you're doing great but I know that no matter how much you lose it's never fast enough. I'm 3 months out and lost about 60 lbs. I'm ecstatic but then I think, "well, I have so much more to go". Hang in there.
   — cjjordan

April 21, 2008
Hang in there. I'm 7 1/2 weeks out and have lost about 32 lbs., but am now starting to plateau. There will be times when this happens and you just need to stick it out and it will all work out. Also if your working out, which you are, you will be building muscle mass and that weighs more than fat. Try measuring yourself and keeping track of inches, it will amaze you.
   — deebunny38

April 21, 2008
I'm in the same boat as you! I'm six weeks out this week to and I have been gaining a pound and loosing the pound for 2 weeks now and its driving me nuts! I was thinking the same way as u, I still am actually! Let's be friends and get thru this together!
   — rlgceb

April 21, 2008
Pam...hey...I am going to share a technique with you that is a very important part of my life...I am 6 yrs post op...had a tremendous loss of 120 pounds...2 yrs out I took the birth control shot...gained 20 HORRIFIC pounds...discovered this technique and have lost 50 more pounds since then, effortlessly...It is this simple...celebrate your life...don't avoid the scale...celebrate when you get on them...regardless of what they say...DEDUCT five pounds from it and give a big yippee and tell yourself how sexy & thin you are...yes, at first it feels ridiculous...but after a becomes will look forward to it...every time you look in a mirror...celebrate and tell yourself how thin & sexy you are...then it is not about "the goal" is about the moment...and you have to live in the moment...the awesome thing is this...your body will respond to the positive feedback (thoughts) you are having about your body and you WILL continue to lose weight...I is life changing because you are not waiting for another moment, another time to celebrate all that you have are celebrating your weight loss...your new body...your new life...every minute of every day...FEAR will cripple you...quit letting the fear of the weight control you...CONTROL are 6 wks post op...29 lbs down...CELEBRATE IT...Love yourself, lady...the weight will melt off...Love & Light to you...Samantha
   — Samantha M.

April 21, 2008
You reference to "diet history" is the primary reason WLS is one--diets don't work. You lose the weight on a diet, but then you gain it back, plus MORE. Be patient, it takes time. Don't know how accurated your scale is either. If you have an older analog scale, you may want to get a new digital scale for better accuracy. Those who initially weigh more to start with will lose weight at a fast rate. It took me 7 months to lose 100 pounds, and there were "stalls" and slow weight loss periods in that year.
   — Dave Chambers

April 21, 2008
First off, weight loss is not always a straight line loss. Some times there are plateaus. Some times there are gains. There are a couple of possibilities that you need to consider. The first is: Are you retaining water? The second is: are you getting enough protein and exercise. The FIRST scenario will probably resolve itself given time. In a few days or a week or so, you will lose the water and lose the weight. The SECOND is actually a GOOD thing if it is occurring! If the SECOND scenario is the case, what is happening is that the protein that you consume is being turned into lean muscle mass on your body by the exercise. Lean muscle weighs more than FAT per cubic inch so you can't measure your progress by the SCALE at this stage of your weight loss but you CAN with a MEASURING TAPE! If you are NOT dropping pounds but ARE dropping INCHES, you are GAINING Muscle! MORE MUSCLE means LESS FAT! The lean muscle mass will help to ACCELERATE your weight loss! Having said ALL of that, there is a third possibility. Your body's Metabolism SET Point could have readjusted itself to starvation mode. This IS possible. Give it some time. If things don't start working in a week or so you may want to contact your physician and get PROFESSIONAL advice or go to a nutritionist. A nutritionist will be able to tell you just how many CARBOHYDRATES you can consume per day and how OFTEN you need to eat them to MAXIMIZE your weight loss. You may want to do this in ANY case. It COULD help to MAXIMIZE your weight loss potential and make your weight loss journey a quicker, safer, and more enjoyable one. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

April 21, 2008
You are doing super!!! I had my surgery Oct 31st and lost 30 lbs the first month then December came and I didn't lose a pound, New Years day I was back on track. I didn't gain any during that month but I was mighty disappointed. My doctor said it was not uncommon to hit a plateau that early. I am now 6 months out...and have lost 81 pounds not bad since I went a whole month without losing. I was hoping for 100 lbs by 6 months but I can deal with the 80. I've been very bad as far as protein, water, vitamins and exercise go, I probably could have lost more but I can't get it together....but I'm still losing. So good luck to you, we all lose at different paces and gain once in a while too. Put a smile on and continue to be blessed!!!
   — PAWLLA L.

April 21, 2008
My advise is stay away from the scale, it became my worst enemy! When I was weighing myself daily and saw no movement I would get very discouraged believe me. My doc told me to only weigh myself once a week or two and what a difference. I made goal in less than one year and you sound like you are right on the same track as I was. When I waited 2 weeks to get on the scale and saw a 5+ weight loss I was happy plus it gave me something to look forward to and strive for, much less disappointment! you are doing awesome, make the scale your friend not your enemy. Just keep getting the protein in first and walk or whatever your exercise program is (that is where my downfall is but so far not a lb has been gained, I need to work on my own exercise so I cannot comment on yours. LOL) Try this for 2 weeks and see what happens, I wish you the best of luck and never think about throwing in the towel! Weight gain happens sometimes but I bet in a few weeks you will lose that and more. Take care and keep us posted.
   — noboat4u

April 21, 2008
I am still preop. But I know that if people still have their gullbladders after their surgery some complications like no weight loss can occur. Also you may just want to contact your dietian at your doctor's office and tell her this.... mabye she can help. Hope this helps.
   — ganesha1985

April 21, 2008
Hi Pam, First of all, I want you to pat yourself on the back and take a look at how far you have come!! Twenty-nine pounds is a lot of weight!!!! That's six 5 lb. bags of sugar. Maybe your body is just adjusting to everything you've been through. Your weight can fluctuate on a daily basis. My aunt lost 140 lbs. and had a few times where she'd gain a couple pounds, but then she'd stay focused and they'd come off. With you exercising, have you measured yourself? Maybe you are gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. Hang in there. You will be a success!!
   — runningagain

April 21, 2008
The scale is EVIL! Don't you feel great about the weight you've lost so far? Isn't is exciting? Look at it this way.. with what we're eating (I'm 7 weeks post-op myself) how can we NOT lose??? Ignore the scale - keep up the good work and when you do get weighed (i try to weigh myself once a week ... although it beckons more sometimes....) and you see the loss - you'll be so much happier! Good luck!
   — Donna_in_PA

April 21, 2008
God is Good. To receive your question/plea for support today of all days, I weigh in once a week and measure once a month. I am beginning my 8th week and I hit my first no weight loss weigh in. I have 2 choices, I can panic and lose control or I can continue to do what I know is what I should do. Words of encouragement are very helpful for our emotional fortitude, but in the end, it is the choice we make. To trust Him and ourselves that we are doing all we can do and the end result will be blessings. I had RNY and lost 50 pounds so far, starting at 408. I haven't been able to get into an exercise routine like you have due to non-related health issues of which I will have surgery for this Friday. You have put me to shame with your fine example of commitment to 'get it right' and also at the same time have blessed me with a 'push' to get going. Thank you for sharing and reaching out, again, you did the right thing. We guys tend to 'lone ranger' our lives and emotions. Clint
   — casualclint

April 22, 2008
I just want to thank everyone for their response to my questions. This is such a great "community" of people and I'm glad to be a part of it. I feel much better knowing that I'm not alone on my journey!! You guys are great!!
   — pkwhite64

April 22, 2008
Exact same thing's been happening to me, I'm 2 mos post op RNY. And have not lost as much as you - and I'm ok with that, cause even the weeks where I only lose one pound my clothes still get looser. Sounds like you're doing great, keep it up and maybe weigh yourself a little less often
   — Susan C.

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