Where can I find a scale to weigh food?

I need a small one and have not been able to locate one. I would like to monitor all my food. I eat a lot of meat. And most of the pkgs say amount per pkg varies. I use the palm of my hand for the 3 ounce test, but how thick should it be and if I use shredded ham for a sanwhich how do I know how much I am using? Help Please. Open RNY 10/4 -73lbs    — TONYA B. (posted on March 17, 2002)

March 17, 2002
I bought a small diet scale for measuring food at WalMart,and have seen these at KMart and also at Target. I occasionally will see one in the grocery store too... You sholdnt have any problem finding a food scale.. If these suggestions dont work, I suggest you try a gourmet shop that sells specialty items.. even GNC might have a food scale.. I am not sure , though. Good luck Hugs
   — Gina Landers

March 17, 2002
I bought one at Walmart for about $4.00. They had a wide variety. I'm glad I did because I discovered I wasn't eating as much meat protein as I had thought it looks like a lot more when it's cutup small on your plate. You may get some comments about only needing to measure volume but it's important to now how many grams of protein you are getting.
   — Candace F.

March 17, 2002
I am buying one for home, but at work- I've found the electric postage scale will hold up to 16 oz. Works for me!
   — Karen R.

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