Am I eating enough???

I've been reading posts about what everybody is eating daily and I'm not sure if I'm eating enough....Here's a typical day for me: 1 boiled egg for breakfast, 32oz water, 1/2 small chili from Wendi's or 1/2 chicken breast for lunch, another 32 oz water, and for dinner I'll usually have about 3/4 chicken breast (skinless, boneless) and 2 teaspoons of rice or potatoes. Occasionally, I will have a snack consisting of 2 saltines w/peanut butter, 3 melba toast w/fat free cream cheese, or a sugar free Fudgsicle. I also take one multi-vitamin a day, calcium supplement and 2 Tagaments. Am I getting enough vitamins/protein/calories? Or could this be why my weight loss is slowed. I also either walk 2 miles or bike 4 miles 5x week.    — Tammy K. (posted on October 13, 2000)

October 14, 2000
Tammy, I agree with Barb - go to and see how many calories you're getting and protein grams. Also, I'd think you should add fruits and veggies to your diet before the potatoes and rice which are starches and not that great for ya.
   — Cindy H.

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