I have found "carb countdown dairy beverage" (2% reduced fat chocolate---It's chocolate milk with only 2 grams of sugar, but 12 grams of protien for a one cup serving. So I have a cup and a half and I'm getting 18 grams of protien. But my question is if I take a swig here and a swig there all day long am I getting a protien boost or am I consuming unnecesary fat and calories (4.5 fat per serving, 100 calories)I love the taste of this and I could drink it all day long, but I don't want to do myself a disservice! any input would be helpful! (2.99 for 1/2 gallon at Meijer) — SHILOH S. (posted on December 27, 2003)
December 27, 2003
I'm not sure about the answer to your question- I'd say you are getting in
protein....This stuff is GREAT ~ I have not tried the the vanilla..but the
chocolate is gooooooooooooood !! If anyone wants to buy it. Its made by
Hood, and you find it right in the dairy isle by the milk
December 27, 2003
Regular skim milk is good for you and it's 90 calories per cup. You could
try adding plain potein powder or 1/3 cup powdered skim milk then you're
upping the protein value.
Thanks for posting about it ~~ I'll look for it in the store.
— Marrilee M.
December 28, 2003
I just discovered this product yesterday and I LOVE IT! I purchased the 2%
reduced fat version and now get 15 grm of protein when I eat my cereal! I
have heard the chocolate version is very yummy. I had stopped using any
kind of milk product because of the carbs but this has virtually no carbs
and 12 grams of protein - love it!
— Sunie I.
December 28, 2003
I found it at Winn Dixie. I haven't tried the vanilla but the chocolate is
— Sharon1964
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