How do you take your Actigall?

I have been taking it with yogurt, and now I find on the bottle, 'no dairy products within 1 hour'. I know, why didn't I read the label? I tried dissolving in water, but it kinda clumps up. I also got sick on applesauce in the hospital. Any ideas?? Thanks    — Cheri M. (posted on November 17, 2001)

November 17, 2001
how about Fat free/surgar free jello?
   — [Anonymous]

November 17, 2001
Hey, I dont know about your questions sorry but I saw that you are Tricare, and I am the same I will be having the surgery done on base I am an Air Force dep. in NC. I meet with my surgeon on the 26th. Could you help me by answering some questions like what to expect, do I get a date the same day I meet the surgeon or do I do testing? I am curious I had a friend that said she got the date and had no testing they just talked to her about the procedure and that was it. She had it 2 weeks later. Was yours different? Thanks for your time I appreciate it. I would love to hear from you and your experiences. ~Angel~
   — angel_wls

November 17, 2001
I use to mix it with applesauce.
   — jenna F.

November 17, 2001
I am also taking Actigall. My bottle actually says take with food OR milk. So, I've also been taking it with yogurt. On other occasions, I will just have a small snack like peanut butter crackers, a granola bar, Chex Morning Mix, etc.
   — Denise C.

November 18, 2001
Hi, you dont say how far post you are ..but I didnt start taking actigall till 3 weeks post....and I simply took it with a sip of water..did fine with it. I am now 10 months post..or almost :) and im glad I know longer have to remmeber to take it . Good luck !
   — Eva C.

April 18, 2002
My doctor suggested taking it with hot water. That desolves the coating. I usually put it in my mouth and then take a mouthful of water until it disolves enough that it will go down. GOOD LUCK!
   — Cori K.

January 4, 2005
For the first few weeks I was mixing my Actigall in diabetic pudding, but I still just couldn't stand the taste. One day I just decided to take a chance and I took the whole capsule and swallowed it with a lot of water. I didn't have any difficulty and have been doing it that way ever since.
   — Tom

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