Vitamin schedules.....

I am having surgery 3/30 and Im starting now to take vitamins, increase my water intake and exercise so I can be ahead of the game when I have surgery. Any pre-surgery tips to help with recovery? Is there any special way to take vitamins and supplements...for ex...with food, empty stomach? Should certain vits be taken at certain times with certain other vits? Im having my per-op appt on 3/17 but in the meantime... Any help would be appreciated.    — T. Preston (posted on February 8, 2010)

February 8, 2010
I'm am looking for the same answer regarding the vitamins..
   — Dora Cano

February 8, 2010
I haven't had the surgery yet but am going thru the pre-stuff,my bariatric nurse tells me to take Flintstones chewable vitamins and liquid B-12. Hope this helps !
   — crochethooker

February 8, 2010
The best place I have found that gives a tremendous amount of knowledge on vitamins, what to take and how to take it is Nurse Sharyn. Go to the search and type that in. Her site is fantastic. I printed this information for my WLS Support Group.
   — Kathy Thomas

February 8, 2010
Good Luck, with surgery. I did do a schedule for my vitamins and meds, you just can't do all of them together after surgery. I know that iron and vitamin c should be taken together to increase iron absorbtion. I also started liquid diet with the protein powders prior to surger. My doctor didn't require it, but I found it helpful to get used to the powders you will be on after surgery.
   — sharkwatcher1

February 8, 2010
Your right certain things shouldn't be taken at the same time and some things should be taken with food. The best thing for you to do is to consult your dietition. I could tell you what I take and when and what I take that shouldn't be taken with other things and what I should and shouldn't take with food but unless you're on the very same suppliments my information is going to be somewhat useless. Please consult your nutritionist. I'm surprised he/she didn't go over this with you already.
   — Caribou ME

February 8, 2010
I agree with Caribou (wonder if Caribou is from Maine!). You also should let your nut/doctor know what prescription meds you're taking because that could determine when you take vitamins & supplements. I take Synthroid but it should be taken with a four hour window from calcium becase the calcium will block the benefits of Synthroid.
   — Muggs

February 8, 2010
My nutritionist told me to start taking Centrum Silver chewables. (kinda nice, cause it is like eating a piece of candy!) I am pre-surgery, but I have already started taking them. I am also taking chewable Calcium tabs.
   — MzScarlet

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