I need someone to send me the diet as I have lost mine.
I know I shouldn't eat things like breads or milk and sugary items. But none the less, I still want to see the diet and post it on my refrigerator to keep me from indulging. I am 1 1/2 years post op. I am now beginning to get back to normal and fear normalsie is going to allow me to get more hungerier. Please advise how to eliminate these urges to eat the things I need to avoid? — Alabamapeg (posted on March 23, 2007)
March 23, 2007
It sounds like what you are describing is 'head hunger'. Your best bet in
dealing with this is counseling to find out why you are going to want to
turn to carbs to make you feel better. If you mean that normalcy is going
to equate to going back to your bad habits then this is what you need. As
far as being more hungry, choose good foods high in protein. Good luck..
— Kari_K
March 23, 2007
You can obtain your diet from your dietician or surgeon's office. That way
you know that you are on the one that you were on after surgery.
— Kari_K
March 23, 2007
Hi Peggy, thanks for writing. There isn't anything on your page so I don't
have anything to go on except your question, but congratulations on your
surgery. I share in your battle for consistency and success. I am 3 years
post op, and have kept off 120 pounds, praise God! It is a struggle
sometimes though, I admit. First let me say that I never had surgery to
avoid foods. I never expected to "give up" anything forever.
God gave me food to eat, and I expect to eat. What I had hoped for in
surgery was moderation and the ability to feel full or content and walk
away. God has graciously given me that desire. I never avoid Milk, it is
a huge protein source. It give me gas, but I will take gas to get the
protein. I get all my protein from food sources. If you focus on what you
need (protein, water, exercise) and use anything else in small moderation,
then I think you will be fine, especially if you have the benefit of a
decent amount of exercise. I eat everything from breads, pasta, etc., to
deserts. I am careful about deserts, but I don't avoid them altogether,
and the portions are very small. Some cannot do this, but like I said, I
choose to enjoy the foods God gave me, but not abuse them anymore. I
didn't begin this way, I began like everyone else, with liquid and soft
foods, but at 3 years out, I enjoy many things and am thankful. At the
place that you are, 1 1/2 years out, the honeymoon is over, and it is
important that you understand that the head issues continue, but that the
results are just diet and exercise. Your pouch will always be there for
you, but if you don't protect it, it will not help you at all, and you can
regain weight. Hunger, is really a head issue. Try hot tea or a slow warm
beverage. This helps. Learn to enjoy what you have and anticipate
enjoying something to come rather than having food anytime you please.
You need a mindset change more than a diet. A diet says, I will eat this,
or that, and I can have this much or that much, so I do. A mindset says, I
am hungry, but I will finish this or that, and I think I will plan to eat
this for this meal. Then as you sit an eat, you begin to feel satisfied
(not full), and walk away. It is alright to leave food on our plate. It
is alright to feel the anxiety of hunger or fake hunger. It is alright to
not feel full after eating, and walk away knowing we fed ourselves, but are
not physically full. Eating small amounts and then a warm beverage
(sipping only) is very helpful. I also can drink milk just before a meal
and it cuts my intake in half. I don't do it for that reason, but it does
help. I just love milk, and get a lot of my protein and calcium from it
(although I do take very faithfully vitamins and calcium). Hope this
helps. You are on the right track, I just think you need a reminder that
your wls is a strong head game, and you head seems to have the desire to
win this battle. The choice is yours though, this battle can be won, but
head issues don't stop. At 3 years out, I still battle the head issues.
Also, just a side note, if you are drinking soda, please stop, it is
totally counter productive to your wls and will aid your frustration. It
is not worth the pleasure you get from it. Sometimes we don't count the
cost for what we do. Soda has a high price to the wls person. Don't pay
the cost for soda damage. Take care, and best to you. Patricia P.
— Patricia P
March 28, 2007
Hi, I am 2 years out and have kept off 112 lbs and feel the same way as
Patricia. I have become pretty much of a vegetarian simply because meat is just too
painful for me to eat. I get all my protein from milk, eggs and soy. I
DON"T avoid carbs! Your brain can not function without them-
seriously! Stck to a low glycemic diet- like South Beach, even Atkins never
said don't eat carbs- he said don't eat bad ones. But I do indulge
occasionally. But thanks to my operation, I can control now how much I eat-
because for once in my life I will actually feel full. Good luck to you.
— Cdavis226
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