Make protein ice cream?

Has anyone made ice cream from their protein powder drink mix? If so, how did it turn out and can you tell me what type of recipe/mix you used? I'm considering buying an ice cream maker but don't want to end up with another appliance that doesn't get used and takes up storage space. I've done some research online, but haven't come up with anything definitive to make the protein ice cream creamy (and not icy) without using whole milk, double cream, etc. I DID see a reference to using vegetable glycerine or peanut butter. Anyone have any experience with those? Paula    — paulami (posted on July 7, 2010)

July 7, 2010
I enjoy reading this blog: She has really great- sounding recipes for protein ice cream and tells what ice cream maker she uses.
   — ksp1155

July 7, 2010
To be quite honest with you, I steer clear of any kind of ice cream. I didn't gain my weight eating fruits and vegetables. It was the ice cream and other things like it that made me gain my weight. Please be very careful of trying to make treats like what you use to eat. Surgery is just a tool and we need to be very careful with our food choices. Good luck to you!!
   — Ladysmilesmuch

July 8, 2010
http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot. is and excellent site for WLS people. I use her recipes all the time. also in the icecream maker there is a recipe for frozen yogurt that you can add protein powder too at the end of the cycle. How ever don't make a large quantity at tone time just one serving because the protein begins to brake down as soon as it is mixed with a liquid and losing its nutrional value. I have a icecraem maker that makes one bowl at a time and it works good. I just put carbsmart yogurt from kroger in it and turn on the machine then in the end I add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to it set it in the freezer so it can harden up a little for 30 minutes and it is good to go.
   — marymazilla

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