Carbs and Sugars per meal.

I am having my RNY on April 1st. When I went to my 4 hour pre-op seminar I was told to check labels on everything I eat (of course). Her rules were 30g or less carbs, 20g or less surgar, and 6g fat per 100 calories- per serving. Does that seem high to you? Seems like alot of people go a lot less than this. I have been checking a lot of labels lately just to get used to the practice- and I find that unless it's real junkfood, it doesn't limit me too much at all! What do you think?    — jtaormina (posted on March 13, 2009)

March 13, 2009
I don't know but most of what I read stated that 15 grams of carbs per meal is a common threshold for dumping for many patients. I'm only 4 days post op so I'm just eating protein and other clear liquids but thats what I've read.
   — hapkidodoc

March 13, 2009
Yes 15 carbs is the limit set by my doctor. Many people get sick at the levels you are stating. Maye she wants you to just get use to reading the labels for now.
   — trible

March 13, 2009
it amazes me the difference in what the NUTs tell pre ops. I have interviewed hundreds of NUTs in 4 yrs, and most agree, 30 gm carbs a day, not per 100 cal. Fats limited under 25 a day, Sugar, no more than 3 grams per serving. Protein of course is predicated on what tour goal wt is. Good luck. You are in for the ride of your life. Cindi M.D. retired -230# maintain 4 yrs
   — DollyDoodles

March 13, 2009
I think it sounds correct...for grads...but a little high for newly post op...I wouldn't even eat more than 6-7 g of natural sugar (like in yogurt or some protein drinks, etc) As a grad I can handle no more than 30g of sugar, but I steer clear of as much sugar as I can and 15 g is my limit when reading labels. Carbs???? I never counted and was told I would not ever have to worry about carbs or fats and so I don't for the most part...And it's worked out fabulously! I look for high protein and high fiber...low sugar and low to no sat/trans fats... except in meats...Meats naturally have sat fat... I think a lot of people go super low carbs because they believe carbs make you gain weight...I eat more carbs daily than I do protein because when you do the math...if you eat veggies and fruits and grains and beans (these are all carbs as well as fiber and fiber cancels out carbs) Proteins generally have no carbs...There is NO WAY I can ever eat a healthy balanced meal on 30 gs of carbs daily...But that's me! I kept a log for a long time and there is no way I can possibly do it...I tried and could not eat less than 70 gs of carbs daily without suffering starvation mode...And again...that's me and my muscular body...The average carbs based on RDA for a 2000 cal diet is 300 carbs a half of that at 1000 calories would be 150 carbs on average...If you cut 150 in half with still the same calories and eat mostly protein, that is still 75 CARBS! I don't know where people get their super low numbers, but one person says it out loud and it starts... and EVERYONE passes it around as the WORD...I don't get it...MAYBE in the first year as you are working your way to eating like a regular small person on super low calories, then yes! ...but long term? Sorry...That's torture for me! No can do!
   — .Anita R.

March 13, 2009
Hi I am the original poster- thank you for the responses!! I don't think I worded what I meant to say correctly. I was told 30g carbs, 20g sugar and 6g fat (per 100 calories) PER MEAL. I hope that makes more sense, and again if so- what do ya think?
   — jtaormina

March 13, 2009
My nut told us when reading labels that it was no more then 10grms sugar, no more then 5 grms fat per serving and try to get in 15-20 grams protein per serving....we dont look at calories.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 14, 2009
The limits I was given were no more than 2 grams of sugar or 2 grams of fat in any 1/4 cup serving, which is one meal. If I go over these amounts I throw up my meal. I was told to avoid carbs which are empty calories and concentrate on protein. Weeks 2-3 25 grams of protein a day, weeks 3-6 45 grams of protein a day, weeks 6-8 60 grams of protein a day. I was also told to eat protein first at every meal because it keeps you healthy and full. Fruits, vegetables and starches can be healthy but they can prevent you from getting enough protein. As long as you take all your vitamin and mineral supplements and get enough protein, you will be healthy. I was missing some of my B12 and iron tablets and soon became tired and weak. So learn from me and don't get lazy about your supplements. I am almost 10 weeks out lap rny. Good Luck! Feel free to write me anytime. :-)
   — gramX6

March 14, 2009
hi there -- 20g of sugar per 100 cals seems awfully high -- give your nutritionist a call and just let her know that you think you heard her wrong due to so much info being given at one time -- i actually forget now what my nut said but i keep my sugars at about 9g and under per serving -- i don't count calories or carbs -- when i read the labels i look at protein first -- the higher the protein the higher the calories -- and 2nd i look at the sugars -- if it's more than 9g per serving i put it back on the shelf -- to me, sugars = hips and butt and belly and everything else i lost already -- i also have an old list that i made up in excel when my husband first had his surgeries -- it lists food, calories, sugars, proteins -- and i tried to put what store i bought it at -- you are welcome to it -- just send me an email -- but 20 sugars per 100 cals seems like a mistake to me -- good luck
   — RCassety

March 14, 2009
Being diabetic I have always looked at carbs as BAD, since eating them raised my sugar levels fast. However, since having rny and consulting w/my nutritionist I have learned that there are "good" carbs and "bad" carbs. I don't stress if my carbs come from whole grains as they are the "good" type.
   — Kristi K.

March 14, 2009
I was told 3 grms fat, 3 grms sugar max. We never discussed carb count. I too was told to eat my protein on my plate first. I will have my rny on 4/1 and I think in a month my calorie intake will be about 400 and try to get up to 70 grms protein a day. Later on, try to keep it at about 900 calories a day but everything else the same. It is amazing how everyone is told differently. Good luck.
   — CheekyMonkey

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