Does anyone have an easy list?

Hi to my new family in OH, I am preparing for my new life, and getting ready for the lap band surgery. I've been through all the tests and procedures (nutritionist, psychological test, sessions, lab work, meetings with Dr's etc.) . Now it's just a matter of waiting for the Insurance and the physicians ok. My question is "Does anyone have an easy list of foods to go by?" Maybe then I can make up a shopping list. I just want to be prepared. I know that the nutritionist and the Doctors can probably help me with this, but I would like to have one that is by experience. It would be much appreciated. I have one more question, the nutritionist showed me protein drinks, how many of these drink mixes will I need? Plus which one taste the best, I love chocolate? Do these drinks taste like chalk? Love to all, Sheila    — Sheila L. (posted on August 22, 2008)

August 21, 2008
Congratulations on deciding to get banded. Good Luck! I was banded six weeks ago and am doing well. I found most of all my questions answered, including the ones you asked on For the first two weeks after the surgery, I made my protein shakes from slimfast optima blended with ice and a scoop of protein powder. I used EAS and did not find it chalky. I have also tried zero-carb Isopure protein powder. It is more expensive and I didn't like it as much. I prefer vanilla and strawberry although I like Slim fast in chocolate. Sugar free jello, sugar free jello pudding, chicken broth, cottage cheese and refried beans are thing that I ate in my puree stage. You Dr will have a list for you and DRs vary about what they request so be sure to go by what they say. I had to stay on a full pre-op liquid diet to shrink the liver and lost 22lbs . It was a good kick start. I have lost 42 all together so far. I have had two fills and feel some restriction but still struggle with emotional eating at night. It is important to address those issues. WLS is not an easy fix to becoming thin, but it is a great tool to have. Good Luck. Feel free to send me a private message if you would like to talk some more. Barbara
   — barb12590

August 21, 2008
Nectar brand is the best tasting protein powder, in my opinion. Chocolate Truffle is my favorite flavor. It taste just like chocolate milk & is the same consistancy. I'm having it right now for breakfast. YUMMY!!!!
   — AprilJM

August 22, 2008
You have made a great choice and there is another site that is also great....go to Yahoo Groups and tpye in Bandbuddies....they deal with all things LapBand and have a WLS Nurse as one of the moserators.....they are full of great info and you will love the group... Pam / Ft Worth.... Bandster Bites [email protected]

August 22, 2008
I don't know of any chocolate shakes that actually taste like chocolate, but Walden farms makes a great calorie free chocolate syrupe that you can put in to any of them to make them taste better. It also works in coffee and in the vanilla to cure a chocolate craving.
   — phyllismmay

August 22, 2008
I love UNJURY protein .. you can get it online at UNJURY.COM. I like the chocolate and still use it I am over 4 months out for lapband. You can check out my profile I put a list of stuff to take to the hospital and have on hand when you get home. I will say that it might be different for your doc because every sergeon has different rules about liquids and softs and the time line. GOOD LUCK .. you will do great!!!!
   — ItIsMyTime

August 22, 2008
i have an excel spreadsheet that i made over 2 yrs ago when ross first had his surgery --it was based on food shopping -- it list the stage, item, brand name, package size, calories, sugars and proteins -- i've passed it around over a hundred times lol maybe it would benefit you -- send me your email address -- [email protected] -- stick to the basics with food shopping and you won't have a problem sticking to your new eating habits you will be learning :)
   — RCassety

August 23, 2008
Bio chem & Unjury are the best I have found for protein drinks. You will be up & around in just a day or 2 For the hosp if you stay over night comfy clothes, something with a stretchy waist band lip balm good shoes so you can start walking (it may be just down the hall but you want good shoes) IF you like flavored water, some packets of crystal light or such For home you will be on liquids for a while so stuff to make smoothies (yougurt, fresh or frozen fruit) these are great for adding in the protein juices popcicles cream soups (also geat to add protein)
   — Donna O.

August 23, 2008
I have some suggestions for protein shakes. I love the BSN Lean shakes from They have some yummy dessert flavored shakes that I like to add to oatmeal, cream of wheat and other hot cereal... Their cinnamon roll and banana bread are so yummy. Their BSN Syntha shakes are absolutely delicious... I love the chocolate peanut butter and cookies and cream. They do not taste like a protein shakes. In the morning i put the powder and a cup of milk and half a banana in the Mahic Bullet. It comes out so tasty... Tom from Ohio
   — ohbearly

August 23, 2008
Here are my pantry/fridge favorites: eggs- scrambled with some cheese boiled for egg salad or just plain for breakfast cheese- sticks, mozzarella string cheese, cheddar sticks atkins shakes- to drink in the mornings when I have a lot of restriction or to blend in protein shakes with a little frozen fruit and a scoop of protein pudding/ice cubes..yum. canned tuna- I like albacore in water for tuna salad. cottage cheese- lunch favorite as I still have plenty of restriction. Kraft Deli sliced zero carb cheese slices fish- salmon, tilapia, cod for baked, grilled protein. chicken- thighs are moister, breasts for chicken salad sliced turkey breast and baked ham- roll up with a slice of cheese, a piece of butter lettuce, a little mayo- yum. green veggies- fresh or frozen. A typical day for me is: Wake up and drink my one cup of coffee for the day and start drinking distilled water the minute my feet hit the floor. breakfast- lots of restriction so usually can't eat so I either drink an Atkins shake or make a homemade one. Once in a while I can eat a scrambled egg or two. Lunch- mushy foods- egg salad, chicken salad, tuna salad with a little cooked veggie. Raw veggies are too hard for me to tolerate early in the day. Scrambled eggs or an omelet with veggies. Supper- baked, grilled protein and very small salad or veggies. I can tolerate about 4 oz of food per meal right now. I suggest Susan Maria Leach's book Before and After- she is a chef that had RNY. The beginning of her book is about her story and the end is many great recipes for each stage of post op life. I haven't tried any I haven't liked. I especially like the egg custard, asian meatballs with peanut sauce, protein puddings, sugar free cheesecakes on a special occasion- rare. You can contact me directly if you'd like, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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