I am 7 months post op and experiencing severe belly pain

The pain is not the stomach pouch it is in the lower belly area. I have been feeling so bloated and gassy. That is the other problem I have not had a bowel movement in 2 days. I have not changed my eating habits at all. But what worries my is the double over pain that I get in my belly area. Any idea as to what this could be?    — doodlebug428 (posted on September 7, 2009)

September 7, 2009
This sounds serious and needs to be checked out ASAP. Constipation or gas should not cause you to double over. There could be a few different things going on that only a doctor can check out and advise you about. Better get to the doctor...or ER if it's real bad...RIGHT AWAY.
   — PaulaJ

September 7, 2009
I would recommend you get to the doctor ASAP you could have a kink in your bowel. Any severe type of pain like this should be looked into. Hope you feel better and get to the root of the problem real soon!
   — lesleigh07

September 8, 2009
I've had a couple of strictures, where they had to go in and stretch the opening. Not something to wait on. Go see your dr. and find out for sure what is going on! Good luck.
   — Aangel

September 8, 2009
I can't remember how long after surgery I had severe pain in my stomach, back and some slight bleeding, it scared the tar out of me, I thought I had pulled something or did damage to my new turned out to be kidney stones, and gotta tell you a baby is ten times to the doc he will know what to check for ...thats the best thing to do..
   — gaydria

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