How many calories and carbs are to much at 4 months out?

I am in a stall at 4 months. I have increased my calories from 500 -700 to 800-1000 and my protein from 60 -80g to 80-100g. I do not eat anything white (rice ,pasta, bread, etc). My carbs are mainly coming from dairy products, fruits and veggies. My surgeon told me to not even count those carbs. My nut just tells me to follow my dr's recomendations. My dr says not to eat over 1200 calories a day, but doesn't want me to eat 1200. HELP. I have lost 86 pounds (339 - 252) and have not lost anything including inches in 3 weeks. What am I doing wrong, or am I one of those people who WLS doesn't work on?    — beetlemom66 (posted on October 28, 2008)

October 28, 2008
I'm sorry...but are you joking? You've lost 86 pounds in 4 months and your body is taking a rest...meanwhile you are doing everything right but you think you might be one of those that WLS doesn't work on? All I can say is give yourself a you are only half way done and many people keep losing even after the first year...You are stressing for nothing sweetie! Great job!
   — .Anita R.

October 28, 2008
You are doing a great job hon. You sound like you are just on a plateau for a while. It you stay there get with the nutritionist again and go over your food plan. What you are going through sounds pretty normal. If possible pump up your exercise a bit and watch the pounds roll off.
   — katiecakes

October 28, 2008
WOW! Your are doing Great! They are right, your body needs to just catch up and rest now. And you will hit plateaus every now and then. I would like to know what you are eating so I can keep on loosing like that. My e-mail is [email protected], can you let me know when you get time exactly what you were eating to loose that much in 4 months, that is awesome. It took me 8 mo. to loose that much and when I hit one year I stopped at 95 lbs. and havent lost a pound since. So I definately need help. But you keep up the good work and don't worry you will start loosing again.
   — roberta45

October 28, 2008
You've lost 86# and your WLS isn't working? What? I am so baffled when I heard someone say the other day that she had the LapBand a few months ago and "it didn't take". What? If we follow the rules of our surgeons and nutritionists and exercise, there is no way WLS can't work. We have to do the work, not our tools... they are just there for a little backup help. You are doing amazingly well and I am very proud of you. It sounds like you are following your doctor's instructions to the letter which is great. The only thing I haven't read in your post is exercise... adding some exercise if you're not doing anything will definitely help. If you are exercising and just didn't mention it, change it up a little to bust through a plateau. Work on different muscle groups, start swimming, surprise your body with something else and it will help. Remember, plateaus though aggravating are very important for your body to adjust to the major changes that are taking place. Celebrate non-scale victories during these times and hang in there. The way we handle ourselves in times of struggle really show our character and commitment. You have two choices here.... you can choose to hold it together knowing that you will begin losing again soon once the plateau is over or you can fall apart and self medicate with food. Please make a good choice. Best of luck, Dawn V.
   — DawnVic

October 28, 2008
You might want to increase the level of physical activity. Walk a little bit more or work out a little longer. There is no such thing as "people who WLS doesn't work on". It's what you make of it. Hang in there and good luck !!!
   — maria09elena

October 28, 2008
I too would like too know what you have been doing in the regain mode please email me and let me you are doing great my email is [email protected] love to hear from you Ty
   — atxnana2

October 28, 2008
I too would like too know what you have been doing in the regain mode please email me and let me you are doing great my email is [email protected] love to hear from you Ty
   — atxnana2

October 28, 2008
Hi! I too am 4 months out and hit a plateau that lasted for 3 weeks. I have lost 61 lbs since surgery...from 228 to 167 now, But I have always lost slower..a pound every 3-4 days. I consume 600-800 calories a day, 60 g protein and workout at curves for 1 hour and walk for about 40 mins about 4 days a week. Weather getting colder and worried about are doing great 86 lb loss. The surgery has been a success! It isn't an over night thing, as you know. You want to be healthy and lose the weight. I am resigned to losing it slowly. I have no other choice! But I do wish I would lose it faster at times. I just want to get to my goal weight and buy clothes!!! lol I know peole who have had surgery after me that come to support group and say how fast they are lsoing it and it depresses me. But maybe they had more to lose, or they are taller etc..I am only 4'10 1/2" lol anyway ...just wanted to say congrats!! Keep up the good work and have patience! It will come off. hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

October 29, 2008
I wish I had lost 86 lbs. at 4 months. I'm at almost 8 months post op and have lost 90 lbs. You are doing very good. Everyone goes through plateaus and that is where you are. After loosing 80 lbs. I went for 6 weeks without loosing anything then lost 7 lbs. went three more weeks before I lost 3 more lbs. That's just how it will probably go from now on. If I were you I would cut down to weighing yourself wvery other week. Good Luck, Paula B.
   — paulajaneb

October 29, 2008
Hey, Please email me and let me know what u are eating on a daily basis. I am 20 days out and have only lost 18lbs pounds. Send me a example of what u eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And by the way, how much exercise do u get in daily? email me at [email protected] Thanks
   — kywade

October 29, 2008
I need to know what you are doing. I am 6 months ans only lost 54 ls, been on a pleateau for 2 months now. very discourage. So please share with me. jennie
   — zydeko47

October 29, 2008
Listen, all of us will tell you objectively that you are getting great results, but we also need to be mindful of the real stress you are experiencing at your stall. You are right to be aware of your carbohydrate intake because it does effect your weight loss- our bodies do not burn/store all calories equally. Although the more complex carbohydrates are a part of a healthy eating regimen long-term, early on in the weight loss process their consumption can slow down weight loss. For me, and my peers, keeping daily carb intake to less than 24 grams per day tended to help avoid stalls. And, unfortunately, the carbs in fruits and vegetables (and whole grains) tend to count (unless they are of such dense fiber that your body can't possibly break them down). Of course, the difficulty for me was in not appreciating how many hidden carbs I was getting. Food labels are allowed to round off carbohydrate content. Foods with less than one gram of carbohydrate can list carb content as "0 grams"-- so things like artificial sweeteners are actually contributing to your carb intake. So, it's possible that you could be getting in some added carbs that you aren't counting. Good luck in finding the eating program that works for you, and remember you are doing well and your surgery is working for you.
   — SteveColarossi

October 30, 2008
You have done a great job!! My, My, My- please include me in what you eat daily. I have only lost 64 pounds and surgery was December 4, 2007. I feel like I have lost more but the scale says - no. Arnice
   — Arnice

October 30, 2008
I'm 4 months out too and have lost 85 lbs. I hit a plateau and have not lost anything for 3 weeks. I finally checked with my doctor and he told me I'm doing everything right and have reached a point where plateaus are going to start happening. I agree with another post I saw here, stop weighing yourself so often because it's only going to frustrate you. I am much calmer since I stopped doing that. I keep eating my same things and exercising and know the weight will start falling off again. Hang in there!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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