had RNY in June and for the last 6 weeks haven't dropped 1 lb.

How many calories are we allowed in a day. I'm eating 9 oz. (3 per meal) exercising 2 miles a day, what seems to be my issue. Everyone says that you will have times that the weight stops but it will start back up again. How long does it take for it to start up again. I'm losing hope...    — * S. (posted on September 4, 2008)

September 4, 2008
Ya have to eat more often to keep the fire going. I lose weight when I eat 6 or 7 times a day and gain almost every day if I don't eat enough. You cannot get your protein in on 9 ounces of anything a day ... And drink all of the water, add some more exercize to your walking, and walk really fast. Carry some weights with you, work your arms when you walk. Good luck, you can do it. stick to the plan.
   — SkinnyLynni2B

September 4, 2008
In the beginning you're not supposed to be able to eat any more than about 800 calories a day. Obviously your stomach is much smaller and still swollen from surgery so it should make it painful to overeat. Not losing any weight for 6 weeks isn't normal, least in my opinion as the first several months you should lose the most. This is not to say that you should lose weight every single day like clockwork. 8 weeks this early on doesn't seem right. I didn't understand what you said you're eating...9 oz. 3 per meal is what you wrote, but that would mean 27 oz. per meal. Is this what you meant because I can't imagine how you couuld eat 27 oz. of food at one sitting. I'd call your nutritionist and tell her/him exactly what you're eating and get their opinion.
   — cjjordan

September 4, 2008
I eat about 1000 calories per day. I do stall for up to three weeks but then it falls off. Try to make sure that you are skipping carbs, and eating 70% of your calories in Protein and Low Fat Dairy. THe rest need to be Fresh Vegatables and fruit with no sugar added. Natural Sugar of fruit is OK. Best of Success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

September 4, 2008
Some other things you might look at are detoxing your liver with milk thistle or garlic, and checking to see if you are retaining water. I bought a scale at Wal-mart that shows wt, as well as fat and water percentages. This encourages me because I tend to retain a lot of water. If my weight is not changing at least I can see the water going up and the fat going down. the water will come off eventually but that's why I detox the liver. The water is retained because something has to dilute the toxins that have been stored in the fat all these years. I don't know if this is the answer for you but I hope it helps. Hang in there. Laura
   — waterlover

September 4, 2008
Smith, I had the same issue and realized I was not eating enough calories per day. i was at 500 and my body needed more for my activity. Like the others stated stay away from Carbs and keep your protein up. This should help. I would reach out to my dr to make sure you are getting enough calories, so track them for the next few days to see where you are at.
   — tuckerheather

September 4, 2008
I completely understand where you are coming from. I had my surgery Oct. 31st and lost 30 lbs in November but come December, I didn't lose a lb and was doing everything right. January 1st came and I started losing again. My doctor said that it wasn't uncommon to hit a plateau so early in the process and I was only allowed to eat 3 times a day. Don't give up, I know it is frustrating especially this early in the game but keep pressing on and if things don't start happening soon, contact your doctor, they are there to help. Good luck and my prayers are with you.
   — PAWLLA L.

September 4, 2008
Its nice to get the opinions of experienced people on here. BUT I would suggest asking you surgeon or nutrionist these questions for the best answers. Good luck Paula
   — urbrat2

September 4, 2008
Maybe it's changed since I had my surgery six years ago. But I think it's not so much the calories as it is grams of protein, etc. Check out my profile, I posted pretty faithfully for quite sometime and I hit many plateaus. Don't get discouraged, you are just barely out there. Before you know it, the pounds will melt away so fast you won't recognize the person in the mirror. If you are that concerned call your doc to ease anxiety, Hope that helps. : ) Laurel
   — Laurel C.

September 4, 2008
Hi! I Am 7 weeks post op RNY and I had a really long plateau. It was for 5 wweks. I didn't lose anything for 5 weeks and I was really discouraged. But on week 7 I lost 6 pounds and I just lost 1.5 more today. Hang in will happen I know exactly how you feel, believe me. Just keep excercising and eating your protein and drinking your water. Fat is stubborn but it will eventually come off. Make sure you are taking your inches becuase since you are excercising that much you may be losing inches. Plateaus are the worst. Don't lose hope, it will happen. :)
   — jann91

September 4, 2008
First off, weight loss is not always a straight line loss. Some times there are plateaus. Some times there are gains. There are a few possibilities that you need to consider. The first is: Are you retaining water? The second is: Are you getting enough protein and exercise? In the FIRST scenario,the issue will probably resolve itself given time. In a few days or a week or so, you will lose the water and lose the weight. The SECOND scenario is actually a GOOD thing if it is occurring! If the SECOND scenario is the case, what is happening is that the protein that you consume is being turned into lean muscle mass on your body by the exercise! Lean muscle weighs more than FAT per cubic inch so you can't measure your progress by the SCALE at this stage of your weight loss, but you CAN with a MEASURING TAPE! If you are NOT dropping pounds but ARE dropping INCHES, you are GAINING Muscle! MORE MUSCLE means LESS FAT! The lean muscle mass will help to ACCELERATE your weight loss! There is the possibility of a THIRD option that I did NOT mention before. If one of the FIRST two is not your problem then the THIRD option is likely. The THIRD option is that your body's Metabolism SET Point could have readjusted itself to starvation mode. This IS possible. Give it some time. If things don't start working in a week or so, you may want to contact your physician and get PROFESSIONAL advice or go to a nutritionist. A CERTIFIED nutritionist will be able to set you up with a dietary lifestyle that will meet your nutritional needs and your dietary preferences so that you are likely to STICK with it. You will also be able to LOSE your weight because he or she will be able to CALCULATE the calories that you need to consume to lose the weight at the maximum rate that your body will allow without triggering your body's metabolism set point. This may be the problem you are having now. You need to eat a certain number of calories a day or your body starts holding on to all the FAT that it has stored and actually starts robbing your body of it's own PROTEIN instead. What your body takes instead of the fat is MUSCLE. You do NOT want it to do that. Muscle BURNS fat! Your body does not discriminate from WHAT muscle it robs the protein FROM either. It will take it from your HEART muscle as readily as it will from your LEG muscle. You need to eat a certain amount of both PROTEIN and CARBOHYDRATE a day and for each person that amount will be different depending upon what their GOAL is. If your goal is to lose weight, and you are a SMALL WOMAN, the requirements will be different than if you were a large MAN who wants to MAINTAIN your weight. This is why you cannot use someone ELSE'S dietary program to optimize your weight loss. Your best bet is to talk to a CERTIFIED nutritionist and have him or her outline a PERSONAL diet plan JUST FOR YOU. In order for you to MAXIMIZE your weight loss, you need to eat the proper amount of both protein AND carbohydrates. For ME, that ratio is about 20 grams of protein per meal to 20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates per meal. I eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. I am a 6 foot 3 inch tall MALE, so my needs are going to be different than YOURS. I also have a severely restrictive diet due to MANY severe allergies. Add to that, the fact that there are some foods that I will not eat for religious reasons and OTHERS that I will not eat because I dislike them, and my nutritionist had her work cut out for her. Each person should have a diet plan worked up PERSONALLY by a nutritionist instead of using someone ELSE'S information because the other person's information may not hold true for YOU. YOU may be smaller or larger than the other person, and that difference will throw off the calculations needed for your optimal weight loss. They may also have different GOALS or be somewhere ELSE on the journey. If you are trying to LOSE weight, and they are trying to MAINTAIN it, you are going to be very FRUSTRATED if you try to use their diet to lose weight. The GOOD news is that you do NOT have to give up bread and pasta. Unless you find that it causes problems for you after your surgery. Of course, If you INSIST on eating bread or pasta, It would not HURT to make the change from WHITE bread to WHOLE WHEAT bread. The same goes for PASTA. As long as you are going to CONSUME these things, let's TRY to make them HEALTHY. We can only eat SO MUCH FOOD now. We need to make sure that it is QUALITY food and NOT JUNK. Whole Wheat products can count as a protein as WELL as a carbohydrate. The nutritionist will be able to assist you to figure out EXACTLY how much you can have of what item without causing yourself to derail from your weight loss goal. If your weight loss surgeon provides a nutritionist as part of his services, then you are set! If NOT, I would HIGHLY recommend that you look into getting one for yourself. The nutritionist will save you a great deal of headache and heartache in the future, and will serve to make your weight loss a much more productive experience. I have had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and have lost 103 pounds in 6 months with the help of a CERTIFED nutritionist and PERHAPS with the added benefit of not consuming dairy products, eggs, pork, and red meat. Some of these I avoid due to allergies, some due to religious reasons. I am also allergic to Cane Sugar, so I avoid ALL products containing sugar because they usually do NOT label what TYPE of sugar, they contain. This has PROBABLY kept me on the, "Straight and Narrow" more faithfully than MOST. I am allergic to BEANS, otherwise I would likely have remained a STRICT VEGETARIAN and ELIMINATED a lot of the BAD HABITS that I had picked up such as eating FRENCH FRIES and CHIPS to help me lose the weight. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

September 4, 2008
Hi. I understand how you feel, I had my bypass on april 14, I am down 54 lbs, but have not lost for about month, and trust me I feel really discourage. But with all the help and support here, I am hanging in there and I hope you will do the same. Jennie
   — zydeko47

September 4, 2008
hi! I , too, had my surgery in June and have lost a total of 49 pounds. I was dehydrated for 3 weeks...and didn't lose anything. I saw the nutr. yesterday and she said I was not getting enough with 1 oz per meal ..and at 3 months out should start working towards 2 oz per meal. If you are eating 3 oz per meal, maybe you are getting too much in?? I am losing slowly, but she said she isn't worried cuz I am doing everything right, except that I need to eat a lil more. I don't because I get that uncomfortable pressure when i eat too much. Anyways, I get about 60 g of protein in a day ( with shakes), about 75 oz of liquids in day and between 300- 600 calories in a day. I hope you can take something useful away from this posting. Hugs, kim
   — gpcmist

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