Very Scared about having my ENDOSCOPY
Next week, I am going for my endoscopy, the very last of my pre-op tests and I am SO SCARED. I am more scared of having the endoscopy than the surgery, mostly because i don't like the idea of having a tube down my throat. Can anyone shed any light on having this procedure? I was told i will be under "conscience sedation"...but i get faint even thinking about the whole thing. — kadeeagogo (posted on September 2, 2008)
September 2, 2008
Don't worry, they will give you a drug called versaid, (conscious
sedation). You wont feel a thing, and then it will be over before you know
it, then you'll be closer to having surgery. The doctor is just checking
you out to make sure of the best possible outcome.
— azreggie
September 2, 2008
I had an endoscopy in April before my surgery. It was easy, no problems.
Of course I hate IVs because my veins are weird and hard to get in to.
When I woke up, I asked when they were going to start. Lyn
— SkinnyLynni2B
September 2, 2008
I just had it done, NO problem, no pain , just a nice way to
go to sleep. Not even a sore throat afterwords.
the only negative was the nasty spray they sprayed my throat before. It
was easiest thing I've done yet.
— BJW12
September 2, 2008
you will be scared up until they give you the drugs..then you won't
remember anything. Try not to worry so's not good for you and
all that you have to deal with mentally and physically. It's not a
difficult procedure but still one that no one likes.
— cjjordan
September 2, 2008
Thanks guys! its great to know other people are out there doing the same
things....your anwsers mean alot.
— kadeeagogo
September 2, 2008
Want a good laugh??? I worked in Endoscopy and I am no fraidy cat...but
dreaded ever having to have an EGD (tube to tummy). I recently developed a
ulcer post RNY. My surgeon wanted to look. Good thing he scheduled it for
the next day. I was very nervous no matter how hubby (who had had one)
reassured me. Next morning iv went in, anesthesiologist came in...gave me
wonderful meds...never felt them go through IV but did see surgeon pick up
scope...OH OH! Out I went and never knew they did one thing! It was a
piece of cake! Not to worry. Even if you do not get an anesthesiologist the
doc knows to give Versed and Demerol...(concious sedation...that only means
you are in what they used to call twilight sleep and not wide awake) you
will be fine.
— Gena L.
September 2, 2008
you wont feel a thing, they put the meds right in the iv only takes about
15 min for the procedure to be done and you wont even remember a thing. no
pain and all and the last hoop for you to get through. good luck
— Lorraine P.
September 2, 2008
I was scared to death as well. Both of the IV and the procedure. I was
pleasantly suprised when they numbed be BEFORE they did the IV, I have
never had that before. The most uncomfortable thing is the spray they spray
in the back of your throat, it doesnt hurt its just irritating. I was
"twilighted" during the procedure and only remember bits and
pieces, but I did not feel a thing. You wake up and just burp a
Way better than I exspected. I felt silly for being so scared afterwards!
— Masonzmommy
September 2, 2008
Katie, I've had three of them including an endoplasty, and I don't even
remember them. They put a breathing tube down my throat during my RNY to
avoid a possible tracheotomy and I wouldn't do that again. They sprayed
Lidocaine into my lungs while I took deep breaths and I'll never forget
that taste or the feeling. I'm a vocalist and was afraid of damaging my
voice box. The endoscopy shouldn't be a big concern, you'll be amazed at
how easy it will be.
— Dusty Ray Vaughn
September 2, 2008
It is the same type of drug they give you for a colonoscopy. You will be
talking and wake up not even realizing you were asleep and the procedure
will be over with. If you are having a RNY they will put a circular
stapler down your thought to connect with one that is put in through one of
the incisions to make your pouch. Your doctor just wants to make sure that
you do not have an ulcer and he understands the condition of your stomach
before the procedure. Even if you are having a Lap Band, they want to know
about the condition of your stomach insides and how well the band will work
with you. Some will tell you they never had that procedure before surgery,
and that is true, but each Surgeon has their own way of doing things for
your own well being. Just relax, and think how great you will look when
your weight is gone!. Best of Success to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
September 2, 2008
it's a piece of cake. you won't feel anything. you will be
"asleep" during the whole thing and wake up in recovery. You will
do fine.
— jammerz
September 2, 2008
You will do just fine. I had one in July and all I remember is getting
wheeled into the operating room and then falling asleep...then it was over!
— surgiqueen88
September 2, 2008
no worries, you won't feel a thing.
— bariatricdivalatina
September 2, 2008
Trust me, I have had 2 endoscopy's.... Conscious sedation means nothing;
you won't remember a thing.....
— Gina S.
September 2, 2008
I had one a few years ago and I was a wreck beforehand. I just couldn't
believe that I could do it but they mildly sedated me and said swallow and
I didn't feel a thing. I swore I watched the whole procedure on the
monitor but they said I didn't. I couldn't see anyhow since I didn't have
my glasses on. Guess it was just a dream since I woke up later in a
hospital bed. LOL So don't worry. I'm the biggest chicken and it just
wasn't that bad. Linda
September 2, 2008
Hi Katie,
I was terrified also but let me tell you it was a piece of cake. Some Dr's
put you to sleep before the procedure others numb the back of the throat
and as soon as you swallow the tube, you are right asleep. I didn't
remember a thing. Relax and don't worry about that proceedure.
— susangielda06
September 2, 2008
— deb44m
September 2, 2008
I was semi-conscious, but don't remember a derned thing except right before
the procedure and right after. I remember the doc saying I want you to
take a slow deep breath when you hear me say BREATHE loudly...and I did in
what seemed like a few seconds...I had no idea they were done at that
point! LOL It was a bunch freaking out for NOTHING! (yeah, I was a bit
freaked out too!)
— .Anita R.
September 2, 2008
I'm the biggest wimp on the planet and even I say 'piece of cake!' I
wasn't even groggy afterwards from the anesthetic (no headache - nothing!)
and my 'designated driver' and I went shopping.
— Rev217
September 3, 2008
I had mine on New Year's Eve. Really is 'piece of cake'. I went home and
completed my preparations for our annual party and had a great time. When
it is over you will be left wondering what you were worried about!
— Christine M.
September 3, 2008
They will have one or two nurses just to take care of you, you will be
given Versed and Fentanyl (sedation and pain medication). The wonderful
thing about Versed is the amnesic quality, you will have NO recollection of
the whole deal. I remember the nurse saying "I'm pushing the Versed,
off you go!" and next thing I was in recovery and totally fine. If
you tell them beforehand that you are scared, they will be generous with
the meds. This goes for preop too. I was out before I even left preop
holding. Awesome stuff. You go, girl, you'll be OK, they will take good
care of you!!
— penneynurse
September 3, 2008
The Monometry I went through was really rough, and they did not use
anything to relax me or dull the pain. The technician kept saying, you are
doing good, just remember what your goal is in doing this, bariatric
surgery and permanent good health. It got me through. My surgery date is
Sept 8th.
— cydthekid50
September 3, 2008
I had 2 END's this year. With the 1st one, I was lightly sediated (which
actually put me to sleep). I didn't feel anything. I woke up with a little
gagging but that's was it. With both times, my throat was sore but nothing
unbearable. I was able to eat afterwards. So, don't worry about anything.
This procedure would put one step closer to your goal! Its worth it! Good
luck - LAW
— lakia1908
September 3, 2008
I have had so many endosopies in the past due to ulcers. I had one
recently with my colonoscopy. I have not had my surgery, b ut if that is
one of the procedures its not bad. As others have stated you are put out
by a sedation..They spray your throat and put a special device then put the
tube in...You know nothing..and have a great nap...good luck
— panda2381
September 3, 2008
don't worry- I was a nervous wreck the whole time shaking, practically
crying, they knocked me out and I have no memories of ANYTHING!!! I didn't
even have any throat pain. Stop worrying- it'll be fine!
— munchiesmama
September 3, 2008
The surgeon decided to do my endoscopy right before my surgery (same
day/time). So I was out for it. But my friend, like you, hated the tube
idea and being "conscience". She went in for it and she was out
like a light. She felt nothing! Hope this helps!
— pattschiele
September 4, 2008
I actually had my Upper GI done without sedation or anesthesia of any kind.
I watched the whole thing on the CRT right along with everyone else in the
room. I do not recommend this for everyone. The point is that it's
basically just a mind game. With sedation you will be conscious but your
mind just won't care about that tube going down your throat. YOU CAN DO
— [Deactivated Member]
September 5, 2008
Hi, Katie. I was nervous, too. I've never been put out completely before.
I was worried for nothing. Here's an excerpt from my blog dated July 15,
2008: "I had doubts that I'd be completely out during the procedure.
I've had an EGD scoping before six years ago and I was partially awake the
entire time. It was called a "twilight" sleep----I could hear the
doctor speaking to the nurse and felt something going on but I just didn't
care. NOT THIS TIME! The anesthesiologist said, 'Take a couple of deep
breaths. You'll be asleep in 30 seconds...' I thought, Yeah right. The next
thing I knew, I was dreaming that I was tasting protein drinks for my diet
and the last one made me throw up; I woke up in recovery, a nurse wiping
something I regurgitated from my face. It must have followed the tube as
they pulled it out from my throat. I was amazed at how quickly I had fallen
asleep and how quickly I was alert afterward." It was the easiest
thing, Katie. Relax. You won't even remember.
— AlmaRene
September 7, 2008
When I had mine, all I remember is the Dr. comming in to introduce herself
to me. They gave me somethying through my IV and the next thing I remember
is the nurse telling me it was all over and to sit up. I had no after
problems or even drowseiness. I got up and went about the rest of my day
and I couldn't even tell I had anything done that day. I was a piece of
cake. No worries! Good luck, Paula P.
— paulajaneb
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