Reactions to Sugar Substitutes?

It is 2:20 in the morning, and I've been up all night after having eaten a sugar-free chocolate chip cookie. This has happened 2 nights in a row, and tonight is the worst. I am experiencing horrible abdominal cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. I read the label, and of course, it has the warning that 'excessive consumption may cause stomach discomfort'.... but ONE COOKIE???? Has anybody had this? I am almost 6 months post-op and have not tried real sugar yet because I am afraid of the dumping syndrome. I was really craving a sweet, so I bought these cookies. But maybe I'd just better give up on sweets altogether, and FOREVER! I'm also lactose intolerant, and anybody who has read my profile knows the digestive problems I've had. Any information, knowledge, advice, etc. is appreciated    — Becky H. (posted on August 13, 2001)

August 12, 2001
I have the same problem with anything containing Sorbitol or Malitol. Very little of either ingredient messes me up bad. I have used fructose sweetened cookies with no problem but bear in mind they are still high in calories. I have also baked cakes with Splenda instead of sugar and that has worked too. Good luck.
   — John M.

August 13, 2001
Hello (((Sweetie))), I to have that problem with sweeteners......also they make my brain very confused If I use it alot .....which I read was a leading side affect from sugar sub's.....Gosh I don't need any help on the confusion part....If you can't tolerate the sweetener and being already 6 months out I would just forget sweets ...Don't ever try sugar if your prone to love it...I wish I had never tried it again..(now this is just my opinion)...I am only 3 months out and am already drinking sweet tea.....I was one of the weaker ones that couldn't resist.....I have been drinkning it for 3 weeks now :o(...I saw where someone said they would drink 1/2 sweet to 1/2 glass unsweet so I started off that way now it's full leaded....I am so affraid I will ruin my new tummy......I guess what I am trying to say if you have made it to 6 months with no sugar I wouldn't worry about it now.....Maybe try some different cookies with sweeteners in it....I eat an ice cream sandwich from time to time that has an aspartime in it but I am constipated(sp) alot so I welcome the chance to go...LOL Your doing marvolous!!!!!! as my Granddad would say your already sweet enough you don't need sugar!...LOL..Keep me posted if you find a solution....I need one for this sugar thing myself. ((((HUGS)))) God Bless!!!
   — Cindi V.

August 13, 2001
You know what? If you were up for two nights with this, you might as well try the sugar. At least dumping only lasts about 30 minutes or so. If you are really craving sweets, try something small just before you go to bed. I can tolerate about 1/2 an oatmeal cookie (no milk!) without dumping. Chocolate does make me dump, big time. If you get sweaty and dizzy and feel like you'd die if you didn't lie down, that's dumping. Don't eat THAT again! I know what you mean about needing a little sweet every now and then. We have to be careful, but the good news is that even if you eat the wrong thing, you only eat a little bit. Everyone's different, but this works for me.
   — [Anonymous]

August 13, 2001
I can use Splenda or sweet n low , but I got the reaction that you had from sugarless candy. It's like John said that sorbitol or manitol , really does me in!
   — Rose A.

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