I am heading on the wrong track...please help

I am 6 months post op and have lost 67 pounds...I don't feel like that is very much compared to the profiles that I am reading....what am I doing wrong? I FEEL LIKE I AM FAILING AT THIS!!! I know that I sometimes have things that I shouldn't, but overall try to stick with protein and veggies first, then carbs if there is room. I am probably not getting in enough fluids (and do occasionally drink with my meal---a few sips here or there) someone please give me some help/guidance. I am afraid that I am developing bad habits that will be a problem for me later. Thanks for your help. Connie    — Connie M. (posted on July 19, 2005)

July 19, 2005
It sounds like you should ask your Dr about your eating habits or see a nutritionist as well to give you some tips, also (and I am bad with this as well), but make sure you get in some exercise. Don't panic, just get back on track, I am just four months post-op. Take care.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 19, 2005
I dont really have an answer but I just wanted to say that losing 67lbs is FAR from failing...thats a whole lot of weight! I'm sure the rest will come off, but i agree with giving your nutritionist a call :) You are far from a failure at this hunny! :)
   — moodyfaerie

July 20, 2005
Connie, I have went through times that seem like I have just stopped losing weight and I had to stop and look at what I was eating. We all know it is hard to always keep on track! Just keep your head held high and think about that 67 pounds that is gone forever! You are doing a great job! Remember we didnt gain our weight in a day and we wont lose it in a day either.
   — TXWOMAN123

July 20, 2005
Connie---PLEASE remember that EVERYONE is different. 67 pounds is wonderful. It will come with time. I will first tell you that am not the model student but I am a little over 2 years out and have lost about 90 pounds. I have felt like a failure at time also--but look what you have accomplished. My advise is watch what you eat--protein first is what you should be doing. I have been known to take a few sips during a meal also. Just try to stop the bad habits or severely limit them. Fluid intake is a key for everyhting. It keeps everything moving. The last thing that I can say is --Exercise. Keep up the good work.--- Mindy
   — MindyM152

July 21, 2005
I am seven months PO and have "only" lost 75 lbs. I started as a relative "lightweight" and the good part is that the "slow" loss is allowing my skin to shrink up. I think there are some benefits to losing "slow" Try not to think about the scale, and concentrate on living by the rules...protein first, adequate hydration, exercise and supplementation. Y
   — yvonne1953

July 25, 2005
Hi Connie, I'm eight weeks post op and have lost 30 pounds which is slow, relatively low, weight loss. But I'm optimistic since everything's relative. I'm about to turn 59 and was at the 39th BMI. My surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital was uneventful, my health is good, so what's the rush. Slow and steady. I recently started to drink with my meals which increases my low fluid intake and don't believe that constitutes bad habits as long as I'm getting my protein and not drinking the calories. I regard myself as lucky that I am able to enjoy a few sips of a beverage with my meal. Linda Grant
   — Linda G.

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